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10 Commits
0.1.3 ... 0.2.0

Author SHA1 Message Date
Nicolai Ort 0dc6fe6704 🚀RELEASE 0.2.0
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details
2021-08-21 08:47:51 +02:00
Nicolai Ort 5f82c5bef8
Removed useless console log
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details
2021-08-21 08:47:22 +02:00
Nicolai Ort 47f7583659
Added comments to apiclient 2021-08-21 08:46:56 +02:00
Nicolai Ort 0819dc7b5d
Added comments to fix
closes #1
2021-08-21 08:40:32 +02:00
Nicolai Ort 2010cc3260
No longer showing logged out users the profile pic thingy
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details
2021-08-21 08:38:01 +02:00
Nicolai Ort 8c1a2d319b
Now ignoring status on logout 2021-08-21 08:36:38 +02:00
Nicolai Ort b57aa535de
Removed unused function 2021-08-21 08:35:18 +02:00
Nicolai Ort 84ab757e11
More userstore fixes
ref #1
2021-08-21 08:34:54 +02:00
Nicolai Ort cd3508dcb6
Weired fucking fix for the userstore data not being instantly loaded....
ref #1
2021-08-21 08:34:33 +02:00
Nicolai Ort 4f5b7f38fb
First mitigations for localforage error stuff
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details
ref #1
2021-08-21 07:43:31 +02:00
8 changed files with 117 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -2,9 +2,24 @@
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.
#### [0.2.0](
- Added comments to fix [`#1`](
- More userstore fixes [`84ab757`](
- Added comments to apiclient [`47f7583`](
- No longer showing logged out users the profile pic thingy [`2010cc3`](
- Weired fucking fix for the userstore data not being instantly loaded.... [`cd3508d`](
- First mitigations for localforage error stuff [`4f5b7f3`](
- Now ignoring status on logout [`8c1a2d3`](
- Removed unused function [`b57aa53`](
- Removed useless console log [`5f82c5b`](
#### [0.1.3](
> 18 August 2021
- Tmp fix for the build fail, for more info see: [`b160ab0`](
- 🚀RELEASE 0.1.3 [`c34f45c`](
#### [0.1.2](

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@odit/linkylinky-dashboard",
"version": "0.1.3",
"version": "0.2.0",
"scripts": {
"dev": "svelte-kit dev",
"build": "svelte-kit build",

View File

@ -11,12 +11,21 @@ axios.interceptors.response.use(response => {
export default class Apiclient {
* API-Getter for the linkylinky api stats endpoint
* @returns Current linkylinky stats (url count, total visits)
static async getStats() {
return (
await axios.get('')
* API-Getter for the linkylinky api all urls endpoint (needs auth)
* @returns All urls with shortcode, target, full url and visits in an array of objects
static async getUrls() {
return (
await axios.get('', {
@ -25,7 +34,13 @@ export default class Apiclient {
* API-Getter for the linkylinky api url details endpoint (needs auth)
* @param {*} shortcode The shortcode of your favourite url
* @returns Url shortcode, target, full url and visit count in an object
static async getUrlDetails(shortcode) {
//TODO: Handle 404
return (
await axios.get(`${shortcode}`, {
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${UserStore.state.token}` }
@ -33,7 +48,13 @@ export default class Apiclient {
* API-Getter for the linkylinky api url vists endpoint (needs auth)
* @param {*} shortcode The shortcode of your favourite url
* @returns Url visit details as an object for each visits (r/n they only contain timestamps)
static async getUrlVisits(shortcode) {
//TODO: Handle 404
return (
await axios.get(`${shortcode}/visits`, {
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${UserStore.state.token}` }
@ -41,6 +62,11 @@ export default class Apiclient {
* API-Delet for the linkylinky api url deletion endpoint (needs auth)
* @param {*} shortcode The shortcode of your most hated url
* @returns Just a 204 (no matter if the url got deleted or didn't exist in the first place)
static async deleteUrl(shortcode) {
return (
await axios.delete(`${shortcode}`, {
@ -49,6 +75,12 @@ export default class Apiclient {
* Login and receive a JWT for future auth.
* @param {*} username Your username (cleartext)
* @param {*} password Your password (cleartext)
* @returns A user login object containing your jwt
static async login(username, password) {
return (
await``, {}, {
@ -59,10 +91,16 @@ export default class Apiclient {
* Log yourself out -> Invalidates your current (and past) JWTs
* @returns Done!
static async logout() {
return (
await``, {}, {
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${UserStore.state.token}` }
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${UserStore.state.token}`,
validateStatus: null

View File

@ -1,22 +1,10 @@
import UserStore from '$lib/UserStore';
import { onDestroy, onMount } from 'svelte';
import * as localForage from 'localforage';
import { onDestroy } from 'svelte';
import Apiclient from './Apiclient';
$: logged_in = false;
onMount(() => {
localForage.getItem('userdata', (err, value) => {
if (value) {
if (value.token) {
const unsubscribe = UserStore.subscribe((value) => {
logged_in = value.isLoggedIn;
@ -24,7 +12,7 @@
async function logout() {
await Apiclient.logout().catch((e)=>{});
await Apiclient.logout().catch((e) => {});
@ -167,13 +155,15 @@
<div class="flex items-center px-4 -mx-2">
class="object-cover mx-2 rounded-full h-9 w-9"
<h4 class="mx-2 font-medium text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-200 hover:underline">John Doe</h4>
{#if logged_in}
<div class="flex items-center px-4 -mx-2">
class="object-cover mx-2 rounded-full h-9 w-9"
<h4 class="mx-2 font-medium text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-200 hover:underline">Username here</h4>

View File

@ -1,11 +1,30 @@
import '../app.postcss';
import Sidebar from '$lib/Sidebar.svelte';
import UserStore from '$lib/UserStore';
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import * as localForage from 'localforage';
* Master init for all things userstore, b/c async stuff somethimes does weired shit.
* Yes i know this isn't the best way to implement this, but linkylinky dashboard is just a oneshot sideproject r/n.
onMount(() => {
localForage.getItem('userdata', (err, value) => {
if (value) {
if (value.token) {
<div style="min-height: 640px;" class="bg-white dark:bg-gray-800">
<div class="h-screen flex overflow-hidden">
<Sidebar />
<div class="px-4 py-8 flex flex-col w-0 flex-1 overflow-hidden">
<slot />

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
import { page } from '$app/stores';
import Apiclient from '$lib/Apiclient';
import UserStore from '$lib/UserStore';
import { onDestroy } from 'svelte';
let shortcode = $page.query.get('shortcode');
$: urlDetails = {
shortcode: 'Loading...',
url: 'Loading...',
@ -10,13 +13,21 @@
visits: 'Loading...'
$: urlVisists = [];
let visitQuery;
Apiclient.getUrlDetails(shortcode).then((res) => {
urlDetails = res;
let visitQuery = Apiclient.getUrlVisits(shortcode).then((res) => {
urlVisists = res;
// Yes i know this isn't the best way to implement this, but linkylinky dashboard is just a oneshot sideproject r/n.
const unsubscribe = UserStore.subscribe((value) => {
if (value.isLoggedIn) {
Apiclient.getUrlDetails(shortcode).then((res) => {
urlDetails = res;
visitQuery = Apiclient.getUrlVisits(shortcode).then((res) => {
urlVisists = res;
<h2 class="text-3xl font-bold text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-100 pb-6">Details: {shortcode}</h2>

View File

@ -1,10 +1,22 @@
import Apiclient from '$lib/Apiclient';
import UserStore from '$lib/UserStore';
import { onDestroy } from 'svelte';
$: urls = [];
let urlQuery = Apiclient.getUrls().then((res) => {
urls = res;
let urlQuery;
// Yes i know this isn't the best way to implement this, but linkylinky dashboard is just a oneshot sideproject r/n.
const unsubscribe = UserStore.subscribe((value) => {
if (value.isLoggedIn) {
urlQuery = Apiclient.getUrls().then((res) => {
urls = res;
function deleteUrl(shortcode) {
Apiclient.deleteUrl(shortcode).then(() => {
urls = urls.filter((url) => url.shortcode != shortcode);

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import Apiclient from '$lib/Apiclient';
$: password = "";
$: error = "";
async function login() {
try {
const login = await Apiclient.login(username, password);