diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 14b2f64..4937f05 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -9,14 +9,16 @@ * Special shortening "providers" for well-used services ### Provider patterns +> The base pattern is always baseurl/providerOrShortCode | Provider | Pattern | Resolves to | Notes | | - | - | - | - | +| Native (Shortcode) | `/id` | Whatever the database entry points to | None | | YouTube (Video) | `/yt/id` | `https://youtu.be/id` | None | | YouTube (Playlist) | `/ytpl/id` | `https://youtube.com/playlist?list=id` | Remember: Private playlists will result in user-side errors | | Amazon | `/a/id` | `https://amazon.de/dp/id` | Recognizes all kind of cursed amazon urls (+smile and others) | -| eBay | `/e/id` | `https://ebay.de/itm/` | Only tested with German eBay | -| Reddit | `/r/id` | `https://redd.it/` | Powered by the awesome work of u/TheAppleFreak https://kauf.es/r/4vaqiw | +| eBay | `/e/id` | `https://ebay.de/itm/id` | Only tested with German eBay | +| Reddit | `/r/id` | `https://redd.it/id` | Powered by the awesome work of u/TheAppleFreak https://kauft.es/r/4vapin | ## Dev Setup 🛠 > Runs on port 3000