
86 lines
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import { IsInt, IsNotEmpty, IsOptional, IsString } from "class-validator";
import { ChildEntity, Column, ManyToOne, OneToMany } from "typeorm";
import { ResponseRunner } from '../responses/ResponseRunner';
import { DistanceDonation } from "./DistanceDonation";
import { Participant } from "./Participant";
import { RunnerCard } from "./RunnerCard";
import { RunnerGroup } from "./RunnerGroup";
import { Scan } from "./Scan";
* Defines the runner entity.
* Runners differ from participants in being able to actually accumulate a ran distance through scans.
* Runner's get organized in groups.
export class Runner extends Participant {
* The runner's associated group.
* Can be a runner team or organization.
@ManyToOne(() => RunnerGroup, group => group.runners)
group: RunnerGroup;
* The runner's associated distanceDonations.
* Used to link runners to distanceDonations in order to calculate the donation's amount based on the distance the runner ran.
@OneToMany(() => DistanceDonation, distanceDonation => distanceDonation.runner, { nullable: true })
distanceDonations: DistanceDonation[];
* The runner's associated cards.
* Used to link runners to cards - yes a runner be associated with multiple cards this came in handy in the past.
@OneToMany(() => RunnerCard, card => card.runner, { nullable: true })
cards: RunnerCard[];
* The runner's associated scans.
* Used to link runners to scans (valid and fraudulant).
@OneToMany(() => Scan, scan => scan.runner, { nullable: true })
scans: Scan[];
* The last time the runner requested a selfservice link.
* Used to prevent spamming of the selfservice link forgotten route.
@Column({ nullable: true, unique: false })
resetRequestedTimestamp?: number;
* Returns all valid scans associated with this runner.
* This is implemented here to avoid duplicate code in other files.
public get validScans(): Scan[] {
return this.scans.filter(scan => scan.valid == true);
* Returns the total distance ran by this runner based on all his valid scans.
* This is implemented here to avoid duplicate code in other files.
public get distance(): number {
return this.validScans.reduce((sum, current) => sum + current.distance, 0);
* Returns the total donations a runner has collected based on his linked donations and distance ran.
public get distanceDonationAmount(): number {
return this.distanceDonations.reduce((sum, current) => sum + current.amount, 0);
* Turns this entity into it's response class.
public toResponse(): ResponseRunner {
return new ResponseRunner(this);