
139 lines
6.2 KiB

import { Authorized, Body, Delete, Get, JsonController, OnUndefined, Param, Post, Put, QueryParam } from 'routing-controllers';
import { OpenAPI, ResponseSchema } from 'routing-controllers-openapi';
import { Repository, getConnectionManager } from 'typeorm';
import { RunnerTeamHasRunnersError, RunnerTeamIdsNotMatchingError, RunnerTeamNotFoundError } from '../errors/RunnerTeamErrors';
import { CreateRunnerTeam } from '../models/actions/create/CreateRunnerTeam';
import { UpdateRunnerTeam } from '../models/actions/update/UpdateRunnerTeam';
import { RunnerTeam } from '../models/entities/RunnerTeam';
import { ResponseEmpty } from '../models/responses/ResponseEmpty';
import { ResponseRunner } from '../models/responses/ResponseRunner';
import { ResponseRunnerTeam } from '../models/responses/ResponseRunnerTeam';
import { RunnerController } from './RunnerController';
@OpenAPI({ security: [{ "AuthToken": [] }, { "RefreshTokenCookie": [] }] })
export class RunnerTeamController {
private runnerTeamRepository: Repository<RunnerTeam>;
* Gets the repository of this controller's model/entity.
constructor() {
this.runnerTeamRepository = getConnectionManager().get().getRepository(RunnerTeam);
@ResponseSchema(ResponseRunnerTeam, { isArray: true })
@OpenAPI({ description: 'Lists all teams. <br> This includes their parent organization and contact (if existing/associated).' })
async getAll(@QueryParam("page", { required: false }) page: number, @QueryParam("page_size", { required: false }) page_size: number = 100) {
let responseTeams: ResponseRunnerTeam[] = new Array<ResponseRunnerTeam>();
let teams: Array<RunnerTeam>;
if (page != undefined) {
teams = await this.runnerTeamRepository.find({ relations: ['parentGroup', 'contact'], skip: page * page_size, take: page_size });
} else {
teams = await this.runnerTeamRepository.find({ relations: ['parentGroup', 'contact'] });
teams.forEach(team => {
responseTeams.push(new ResponseRunnerTeam(team));
return responseTeams;
@ResponseSchema(RunnerTeamNotFoundError, { statusCode: 404 })
@OpenAPI({ description: 'Lists all information about the team whose id got provided.' })
async getOne(@Param('id') id: number) {
let runnerTeam = await this.runnerTeamRepository.findOne({ id: id }, { relations: ['parentGroup', 'contact', 'runners', 'runners.scans', 'runners.scans.track'] });
if (!runnerTeam) { throw new RunnerTeamNotFoundError(); }
return new ResponseRunnerTeam(runnerTeam);
@Authorized(["RUNNER:GET", "SCAN:GET"])
@ResponseSchema(ResponseRunner, { isArray: true })
@ResponseSchema(RunnerTeamNotFoundError, { statusCode: 404 })
@OpenAPI({ description: 'Lists all runners from this team. <br> This includes the runner\'s group and distance ran.' })
async getRunners(@Param('id') id: number) {
let responseRunners: ResponseRunner[] = new Array<ResponseRunner>();
const runners = (await this.runnerTeamRepository.findOne({ id: id }, { relations: ['runners', '', '', 'runners.scans', 'runners.scans.track'] })).runners;
runners.forEach(runner => {
responseRunners.push(new ResponseRunner(runner));
return responseRunners;
@OpenAPI({ description: 'Create a new organsisation. <br> Please remember to provide it\'s parent group\'s id.' })
async post(@Body({ validate: true }) createRunnerTeam: CreateRunnerTeam) {
let runnerTeam;
try {
runnerTeam = await createRunnerTeam.toEntity();
} catch (error) {
throw error;
runnerTeam = await;
runnerTeam = await this.runnerTeamRepository.findOne(runnerTeam, { relations: ['parentGroup', 'contact'] });
return new ResponseRunnerTeam(runnerTeam);
@ResponseSchema(RunnerTeamNotFoundError, { statusCode: 404 })
@ResponseSchema(RunnerTeamIdsNotMatchingError, { statusCode: 406 })
@OpenAPI({ description: "Update the team whose id you provided. <br> Please remember that ids can't be changed." })
async put(@Param('id') id: number, @Body({ validate: true }) runnerTeam: UpdateRunnerTeam) {
let oldRunnerTeam = await this.runnerTeamRepository.findOne({ id: id }, { relations: ['parentGroup', 'contact'] });
if (!oldRunnerTeam) {
throw new RunnerTeamNotFoundError();
if ( != {
throw new RunnerTeamIdsNotMatchingError();
await runnerTeam.update(oldRunnerTeam));
return new ResponseRunnerTeam(await this.runnerTeamRepository.findOne({ id: }, { relations: ['parentGroup', 'contact'] }));
@ResponseSchema(ResponseEmpty, { statusCode: 204 })
@ResponseSchema(RunnerTeamHasRunnersError, { statusCode: 406 })
@OpenAPI({ description: 'Delete the team whose id you provided. <br> If the team still has runners associated this will fail. <br> To delete the team with all associated runners set the force QueryParam to true (cascading deletion might take a while). <br> This won\'t delete the associated contact.<br> If no team with this id exists it will just return 204(no content).' })
async remove(@Param("id") id: number, @QueryParam("force") force: boolean) {
let team = await this.runnerTeamRepository.findOne({ id: id });
if (!team) { return null; }
let runnerTeam = await this.runnerTeamRepository.findOne(team, { relations: ['parentGroup', 'contact', 'runners'] });
if (!force) {
if (runnerTeam.runners.length != 0) {
throw new RunnerTeamHasRunnersError();
const runnerController = new RunnerController()
for (let runner of runnerTeam.runners) {
await runnerController.remove(, true);
const responseTeam = new ResponseRunnerTeam(runnerTeam);
await this.runnerTeamRepository.delete(team);
return responseTeam;