# @lfk/beamershow ## ✒️ Overview This is an API client for [https://git.odit.services/lfk/backend](@lfk/backend) - WebApp built with [Svelte](https://svelte.dev), [WindiCSS](https://windicss.org/) (to compile [TailwindCSS](https://tailwindcss.com/)) and [Vite](https://vitejs.dev). ## Dev🛠 ### 🚀 Getting Started ``` yarn ``` ### Development ``` yarn dev / yarn dev --open ``` ### Build ``` yarn build ``` ## Use (quickstart) 🔥 1. API-Endpoint -> Put in the baseurl of your Läufersystem API. 2. Client Token -> Statsclient token 3. Enjoy the show To get back to the config screen just type `cnf` into the window