# @lfk/documentation The documentation for the LfK! 'Läufersystem'. Powered by Vuepress. The main language for the content is German (since our primary target audience is the Lauf für Kaya! Team at a local German school). ## Quickstart 🐳 > Use this to run the documentation server via docker. 1. Clone the repo or copy the docker-compose.yml 2. Cd into the folder containing the docker-compose.yml 2. Run docker-compose: `docker-compose up -d` 3. Visit to check if the server is running ## Dev Setup 🛠 > Local dev setup for previewing changes. 1. Install Dependencies ```bash yarn ``` 2. Start the server ```bash yarn dev ``` ## Recommended Editor [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) ### Recommended Extensions * will be automatically recommended via ./vscode/extensions.json