import { Authorized, Body, JsonController, Post, QueryParam, Res } from 'routing-controllers'; import { OpenAPI } from 'routing-controllers-openapi'; import { CertificateRunner } from '../models/CertificateRunner'; import { Runner } from '../models/Runner'; import { RunnerCard } from '../models/RunnerCard'; import { PdfCreator } from '../PdfCreator'; /** * The pdf controller handels all endpoints concerning pdf generation. * It therefore is the hearth of the document-generation server's endpoints. * All endpoints have to accept a locale query-param to support i18n. */ @JsonController() @Authorized() @OpenAPI({ security: [{ "AuthToken": [] }] }) export class PdfController { private pdf: PdfCreator = new PdfCreator(); private initialized: boolean = false; @Post('/contracts') @OpenAPI({ description: "Generate Sponsoring contract pdfs from runner objects.
You can choose your prefered locale by passing the 'locale' query-param.
If you provide more than 100 runenrs this could take a moment or two (we tested up to 1000 runners in about 70sec so far)." }) async generateContracts(@Body({ validate: true, options: { limit: "500mb" } }) runners: Runner[], @Res() res: any, @QueryParam("locale") locale: string, @QueryParam("codeformat") codeformat: string, @QueryParam("download") download: boolean) { if (!this.initialized) { await this.pdf.init(); this.initialized = true; } if (!Array.isArray(runners)) { runners = [runners]; } runners = this.mapRunnerGroupNames(runners) const contracts = await this.pdf.generateSponsoringContract(runners, locale, codeformat); res.setHeader('content-type', 'application/pdf'); if (download) { res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="contracts.pdf"') } return contracts; } @Post('/cards') @OpenAPI({ description: "Generate runner card pdfs from runner card objects.
You can choose your prefered locale by passing the 'locale' query-param." }) async generateCards(@Body({ validate: true, options: { limit: "500mb" } }) cards: RunnerCard | RunnerCard[], @Res() res: any, @QueryParam("locale") locale: string, @QueryParam("codeformat") codeformat: string, @QueryParam("download") download: boolean) { if (!this.initialized) { await this.pdf.init(); this.initialized = true; } if (!Array.isArray(cards)) { cards = [cards]; } cards = this.mapCardGroupNames(cards); const contracts = await this.pdf.generateRunnerCards(cards, locale, codeformat); res.setHeader('content-type', 'application/pdf'); if (download) { res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="cards.pdf"') } return contracts; } @Post('/certificates') @OpenAPI({ description: "Generate runner certificate pdfs from certificate runner objects.
You can choose your prefered locale by passing the 'locale' query-param.
If you provide more than 100 runenrs this could take a moment or two (we tested up to 1000 runners in about 70sec so far)." }) async generateCertificates(@Body({ validate: true, options: { limit: "500mb" } }) runners: CertificateRunner[], @Res() res: any, @QueryParam("locale") locale: string, @QueryParam("download") download: boolean) { if (!this.initialized) { await this.pdf.init(); this.initialized = true; } if (!Array.isArray(runners)) { runners = [runners]; } runners = this.mapCertificatRunnersGroupNames(runners) const certificates = await this.pdf.generateRunnerCertficates(runners, locale); res.setHeader('content-type', 'application/pdf'); if (download) { res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="certificates.pdf"') } return certificates; } private mapRunnerGroupNames(runners: Runner[]): Runner[] { let response = new Array(); for (let runner of runners) { if (! { =; } else { = `${}/${}`; } response.push(runner) } return response; } private mapCertificatRunnersGroupNames(runners: CertificateRunner[]): CertificateRunner[] { let response = new Array(); for (let runner of runners) { if (! { =; } else { = `${}/${}`; } runner.donationPerDistanceTotal = 0; if (!Array.isArray(runner.distanceDonations)){ runner.distanceDonations = [].concat(runner.distanceDonations) } if (runner.distanceDonations.length > 0) { runner.donationPerDistanceTotal += runner.distanceDonations.reduce(function (sum, current) { return sum + current.amountPerDistance; }, 0); } runner.donationTotal = 0; if (runner.distanceDonations.length > 0) { runner.donationTotal += runner.distanceDonations.reduce(function (sum, current) { return sum + current.amount; }, 0); } response.push(runner) } return response; } private mapCardGroupNames(cards: RunnerCard[]): RunnerCard[] { let response = new Array(); for (let card of cards) { if (!card.runner) { card.runner = { id: 0, firstname: "Blank", lastname: "Blank", distance: 0, group: { id: 0, name: "Blank", fullName: "Blank" } } } else if (! { =; } else { = `${}/${}`; } response.push(card) } return response; } }