# @lfk/document-server The document generation server responsible for creating pdfs for sponsoring contracts, certificates and more. This server doesn't interact with any database and can therefor be deployed on it's own. The basic generation mechanism makes the templates and routes interchangeable (if you want to expand or modify it). ## Quickstart 🐳 > Use this to run the document server in docker. 1. Clone the repo or copy the docker-compose 2. Run in the folder that contains the docker-compose file: `docker-compose up -d` 3. Visit to check if the server is running ## Dev Setup 🛠 > Local dev setup 1. Rename the .env.example file to .env (you can adjust app port and other settings, if needed) 2. Install Dependencies ```bash yarn ``` 3. Start the server ```bash yarn dev ``` ## ENV Vars > You can provide them via .env file or docker env vars. | Name | Type | Default | Description | - | - | - | - | APP_PORT | Number | 4010 | The port the backend server listens on. Is optional. | NODE_ENV | String | dev | The apps env - influences debug info. | EVENT_NAME | String | "Please set the event name" | The event's name - used to generate pdf text. | CURRENCY_SYMBOL | String | "€" | The your currency's symbol - used to generate pdf text. | SPONSORING_RECEIPT_MINIMUM_AMOUNT | String | "10" | The mimimum total donation amount a sponsor has to donate to be able to receive a donation receipt - used to generate pdf text. | SPONOR_LOGOS | Array | Empty png | The sponsor images you want to loop through. You can provide them via http url, local file or base64-encoded image. | API_KEY | String(min length: 64) | Random generated string | The api key you want to use for auth (query-param `key`), has to be at least 64 chars long. | DISCLAIMER_TEXT | String | N/A | A disclaimer that will get displayed on the bottom of each sponsoring contract. R/N You can only provide the disclaimer for one language. | CONTRACTS_PER_RUNNER | Number | 1 | The amount of contracts that get created per runner (per request). ## Templates > The document server uses html templates to generate various pdf documents. > The templates are stored in src/templates by default. We provide a set of default templates that we use for the ["Lauf für Kaya!" charity run](https://lauf-fuer-kaya.de). We use handlebars for templateing utilizing i18next for translation - the i18n string format in the templates is : `{{__ "string"}}` You can provide your own templates by replacing the ones we provided before compiling the project or by simply mounting your custom templates into the docker container. The server currently needs the following templates to work: * sponsoring_contract.html ### Sponsoring Contracts | Template Data | Type | Optional | Description | - | - | - | - | runners | array(Runner) | ❌ | The runner objects. We generate a contract for each runner on a new DIN-A5 page. ## Recommended Editor [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) ### Recommended Extensions * will be automatically recommended via ./vscode/extensions.json * we also provide a config for i18n-ally in the .vscode folder ## Staging ### Branches & Tags * vX.Y.Z: Release tags created from the main branch * The version numbers follow the semver standard * A new release tag automaticly triggers the release ci pipeline * main: Protected "release" branch * The latest tag of the docker image get's build from this * New releases get created as tags from this * dev: Current dev branch for merging the different feature branches and bugfixes * The dev tag of the docker image get's build from this * Only push minor changes to this branch! * To merge a feature branch into this please create a pull request * feature/xyz: Feature branches - nameing scheme: `feature/issueid-title` * bugfix/xyz: Branches for bugfixes - nameing scheme:`bugfix/issueid-title`