import type { CreateRunnerTeam } from '../models/CreateRunnerTeam'; import type { ResponseEmpty } from '../models/ResponseEmpty'; import type { ResponseRunner } from '../models/ResponseRunner'; import type { ResponseRunnerTeam } from '../models/ResponseRunnerTeam'; import type { UpdateRunnerTeam } from '../models/UpdateRunnerTeam'; export declare class RunnerTeamService { /** * Get all * Lists all teams.
This includes their parent organization and contact (if existing/associated). * @param page * @param pageSize * @result ResponseRunnerTeam * @throws ApiError */ static runnerTeamControllerGetAll(page?: number, pageSize?: number): Promise>; /** * Post * Create a new organsisation.
Please remember to provide it's parent group's id. * @param requestBody CreateRunnerTeam * @result ResponseRunnerTeam * @throws ApiError */ static runnerTeamControllerPost(requestBody?: CreateRunnerTeam): Promise; /** * Get one * Lists all information about the team whose id got provided. * @param id * @result ResponseRunnerTeam * @throws ApiError */ static runnerTeamControllerGetOne(id: number): Promise; /** * Put * Update the team whose id you provided.
Please remember that ids can't be changed. * @param id * @param requestBody UpdateRunnerTeam * @result ResponseRunnerTeam * @throws ApiError */ static runnerTeamControllerPut(id: number, requestBody?: UpdateRunnerTeam): Promise; /** * Remove * Delete the team whose id you provided.
If the team still has runners associated this will fail.
To delete the team with all associated runners set the force QueryParam to true (cascading deletion might take a while).
This won't delete the associated contact.
If no team with this id exists it will just return 204(no content). * @param id * @param force * @result ResponseRunnerTeam * @result ResponseEmpty * @throws ApiError */ static runnerTeamControllerRemove(id: number, force?: boolean): Promise; /** * Get runners * Lists all runners from this team.
This includes the runner's group and distance ran. * @param id * @result ResponseRunner * @throws ApiError */ static runnerTeamControllerGetRunners(id: number): Promise>; }