"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.RunnerOrganisationService = void 0; const request_1 = require("../core/request"); class RunnerOrganisationService { /** * Get all * Lists all runnerOrganisations. * @result ResponseRunnerOrganisation * @throws ApiError */ static async runnerOrganisationControllerGetAll() { const result = await request_1.request({ method: 'GET', path: `/api/organisations`, }); return result.body; } /** * Post * Create a new runnerOrganisation object (id will be generated automagicly). * @param requestBody CreateRunnerOrganisation * @result ResponseRunnerOrganisation * @throws ApiError */ static async runnerOrganisationControllerPost(requestBody) { const result = await request_1.request({ method: 'POST', path: `/api/organisations`, body: requestBody, }); return result.body; } /** * Get one * Returns a runnerOrganisation of a specified id (if it exists) * @param id * @result ResponseRunnerOrganisation * @throws ApiError */ static async runnerOrganisationControllerGetOne(id) { const result = await request_1.request({ method: 'GET', path: `/api/organisations/${id}`, }); return result.body; } /** * Put * Update a runnerOrganisation object (id can't be changed). * @param id * @param requestBody RunnerOrganisation * @result ResponseRunnerOrganisation * @throws ApiError */ static async runnerOrganisationControllerPut(id, requestBody) { const result = await request_1.request({ method: 'PUT', path: `/api/organisations/${id}`, body: requestBody, }); return result.body; } /** * Remove * Delete a specified runnerOrganisation (if it exists). * @param id * @param force * @result ResponseRunnerOrganisation * @result ResponseEmpty * @throws ApiError */ static async runnerOrganisationControllerRemove(id, force) { const result = await request_1.request({ method: 'DELETE', path: `/api/organisations/${id}`, query: { 'force': force, }, }); return result.body; } } exports.RunnerOrganisationService = RunnerOrganisationService;