
139 lines
4.9 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.RunnerSelfService = void 0;
const request_1 = require("../core/request");
class RunnerSelfService {
* Get
* Lists all information about yourself. <br> Please provide your runner jwt(that code we gave you during registration) for auth. <br> If you lost your jwt/personalized link please use the forgot endpoint.
* @param jwt
* @result ResponseSelfServiceRunner
* @throws ApiError
static async runnerSelfServiceControllerGet(jwt) {
const result = await (0, request_1.request)({
method: 'GET',
path: `/api/runners/me/${jwt}`,
return result.body;
* Remove
* Deletes all information about yourself. <br> Please provide your runner jwt(that code we gave you during registration) for auth. <br> If you lost your jwt/personalized link please use the forgot endpoint.
* @param jwt
* @param force
* @result ResponseSelfServiceRunner
* @throws ApiError
static async runnerSelfServiceControllerRemove(jwt, force) {
const result = await (0, request_1.request)({
method: 'DELETE',
path: `/api/runners/me/${jwt}`,
query: {
'force': force,
return result.body;
* Get scans
* Lists all your (runner) scans. <br> Please provide your runner jwt(that code we gave you during registration) for auth. <br> If you lost your jwt/personalized link please contact support.
* @param jwt
* @result ResponseSelfServiceScan
* @throws ApiError
static async runnerSelfServiceControllerGetScans(jwt) {
const result = await (0, request_1.request)({
method: 'GET',
path: `/api/runners/me/${jwt}/scans`,
return result.body;
* Get station me
* Lists basic information about the station whose token got provided. <br> This includes it's associated track.
* @result ResponseScanStation
* @throws ApiError
static async runnerSelfServiceControllerGetStationMe() {
const result = await (0, request_1.request)({
method: 'GET',
path: `/api/stations/me`,
return result.body;
* Request new token
* Use this endpoint to reuqest a new selfservice magic-login-link to be sent to your mail address (rate limited to one mail every 15mins).
* @param mail
* @param locale
* @result any Successful response
* @throws ApiError
static async runnerSelfServiceControllerRequestNewToken(mail, locale) {
const result = await (0, request_1.request)({
method: 'POST',
path: `/api/runners/login`,
query: {
'mail': mail,
'locale': locale,
return result.body;
* Register runner
* Create a new selfservice runner in the citizen org. <br> This endpoint shoud be used to allow "everyday citizen" to register themselves. <br> You have to provide a mail address, b/c the future we'll implement email verification.
* @param locale
* @param requestBody CreateSelfServiceCitizenRunner
* @result ResponseSelfServiceRunner
* @throws ApiError
static async runnerSelfServiceControllerRegisterRunner(locale, requestBody) {
const result = await (0, request_1.request)({
method: 'POST',
path: `/api/runners/register`,
query: {
'locale': locale,
body: requestBody,
return result.body;
* Register organization runner
* Create a new selfservice runner in a provided org. <br> The orgs get provided and authorized via api tokens that can be optained via the /organizations endpoint.
* @param token
* @param locale
* @param requestBody CreateSelfServiceRunner
* @result ResponseSelfServiceRunner
* @throws ApiError
static async runnerSelfServiceControllerRegisterOrganizationRunner(token, locale, requestBody) {
const result = await (0, request_1.request)({
method: 'POST',
path: `/api/runners/register/${token}`,
query: {
'locale': locale,
body: requestBody,
return result.body;
* Get selfservice org
* Get the basic info and teams for a org.
* @param token
* @result ResponseSelfServiceOrganisation
* @throws ApiError
static async runnerSelfServiceControllerGetSelfserviceOrg(token) {
const result = await (0, request_1.request)({
method: 'GET',
path: `/api/organizations/selfservice/${token}`,
return result.body;
exports.RunnerSelfService = RunnerSelfService;