Merge pull request 'Release 0.1.2' (#14) from dev into main
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details
continuous-integration/drone/tag Build is passing Details

Reviewed-on: #14
Reviewed-by: Philipp Dormann <>
This commit is contained in:
Nicolai Ort 2021-04-15 18:02:59 +00:00
commit 15b98e8309
4 changed files with 23 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -2,12 +2,18 @@
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.
#### [v0.1.2](
- Fixed typos and added missing translations🌎 [`8099d2f`](
- 🧾New changelog file version [CI SKIP] [skip ci] [`c8378b6`](
- 🚀Bumped version to v0.1.2 [`d550059`](
#### [v0.1.1](
> 31 March 2021
- Merge pull request 'Release 0.1.1' (#13) from dev into main [`b47660a`](
- Added mail templates for forgotten selfservice links [`56c3dec`](
- 🧾New changelog file version [CI SKIP] [skip ci] [`8996aef`](
- 🚀Bumped version to v0.1.1 [`34e0c72`](
- Merge pull request 'Now base64-encoding the selfservice tokens👀' (#12) from bugfix/11-selfservice_profile_link into dev [`5ff6f77`](
- Applied Docker MTU fix 🛠 [`f6c03c7`](
- 🧾New changelog file version [CI SKIP] [skip ci] [`00e7837`](
- Added tests [`91f9a8c`](
@ -24,11 +30,15 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are d
- 🧾New changelog file version [CI SKIP] [skip ci] [`07aeaf6`](
- 🧾New changelog file version [CI SKIP] [skip ci] [`416be79`](
- Added translation keys to txt [`44972e4`](
- 🧾New changelog file version [CI SKIP] [skip ci] [`d996d2e`](
- 🧾New changelog file version [CI SKIP] [skip ci] [`8996aef`](
- 🚀Bumped version to v0.1.1 [`34e0c72`](
- Merge pull request 'Now base64-encoding the selfservice tokens👀' (#12) from bugfix/11-selfservice_profile_link into dev [`5ff6f77`](
- Changed ci pipeline type to kubernetes [`18c8600`](
- Added new mailtype enum [`015b25a`](
- Dockerfile with cached images 🔥 [`f554718`](
- Now base64-encoding the selfservice tokens👀 [`1f58165`](
- Merge pull request 'Selfservice link forgotten mails feature/5-registration_forgot_mails' (#10) from feature/5-registration_forgot_mails into dev [`f011659`](
- Added new mailtype enum [`015b25a`](
- Fixed typo [`577f321`](
- Renamed templates [`34e30d6`](

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@odit/lfk-mailer",
"version": "0.1.1",
"version": "0.1.2",
"description": "The document mailer for the LfK! runner system. This generates and sends mails (password reset, welcome, ...)",
"main": "src/app.ts",
"scripts": {

View File

@ -12,15 +12,20 @@
"privacy": "Datenschutz",
"reset-password": "Passwort zurücksetzen",
"test-mail": "Test mail",
"thank-you-for-requesting-a-new-link-to-your-event_name-runner-profile": "Danke, dass du einen neuen Profillink für das {{event_name}} Läuferstem beantragt hast.",
"thanks-for-registering-and-welcome-to-the-event_name": "Vielen Dank für die Registrierung und willkommen beim {{event_name}}!",
"the-only-thing-you-have-to-do-now-is-to-bring-your-registration-code-with-you": "Du must nichts weiter machen, außer deinen Registrierungscode zum Lauf mitzubringen.",
"this-is-a-test-mail-triggered-by-an-admin-in-the-lfk-backend": "Das ist eine Testmail, die von einem Admin im LfK! Backend erzeugt wurde.",
"this-mail-was-sent-to-recipient_mail-because-someone-request-a-mail-test-for-this-mail-address": "Du bekommst diese Mail, weil jemand eine Testmail für deine Mail-Adresse angefragt hat.",
"this-mail-was-sent-to-you-because-someone-request-a-password-reset-for-a-account-linked-to-the-mail-address": "Du bekommst diese E-Mail, weil jemand einen Passwort-Reset für deinen Account beantragt hat.",
"this-mail-was-sent-to-you-because-someone-requested-a-new-link-to-access-your-profile-for-the-event_name": "Diese E-Mail wurde an dich gesendet, weil jemand einen neuen Link angefordert hat, um auf dein {{event_name}} Profil zuzugreifen.",
"this-mail-was-sent-to-you-because-someone-used-your-mail-address-to-register-themselfes-for-the-event_name": "Du bekommst diese Mail, weil jemand deine E-Mail-Adresse verwendet hat, um sich beim {{event_name}} zu registrieren.",
"to-prevent-spam-you-can-only-request-a-new-link-every-24hrs": "Um Spam zu vermeiden, kannst du nur alle 24 Stunden einen neuen Link anfordern.",
"view-my-data": "Meine Daten",
"we-successfully-processed-your-registration": "Wir haben deine Registrierung erfolgreich verarbeitet.",
"welcome": "Willkommen",
"you-can-view-your-registration-code-lap-times-and-much-more-by-visiting-our-selfservice": "Du kannst deinen Registrierungscode, deine Rundenzeiten unv vieles mehr im Selfservice einsehen:",
"your-password-wont-be-changed-until-you-click-the-reset-link-below-and-set-a-new-one": "Dein Passwort wird erst zurückgesetzt, wenn du den Reset-Link öffnest und ein neues Passwort setzt."
"you-can-view-your-registration-code-lap-times-and-much-more-by-visiting-our-selfservice": "Du kannst deinen Registrierungscode, deine Rundenzeiten und vieles mehr im Selfservice einsehen:",
"your-event_name-profile": "Dein {{event_name}} Profil",
"your-password-wont-be-changed-until-you-click-the-reset-link-below-and-set-a-new-one": "Dein Passwort wird erst zurückgesetzt, wenn du den Reset-Link öffnest und ein neues Passwort setzt.",
"your-profile": "Dein Profil"

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@ -27,5 +27,5 @@
"you-can-view-your-registration-code-lap-times-and-much-more-by-visiting-our-selfservice": "You can view your registration code, lap times and much more by visiting our selfservice:",
"your-event_name-profile": "Your {{event_name}} profile",
"your-password-wont-be-changed-until-you-click-the-reset-link-below-and-set-a-new-one": "Your password won't be changed until you click the reset link below and set a new one.",
"your-profile": "Your Profile"
"your-profile": "Your profile"