{ "a-password-reset-for-your-account-got-requested": "A password reset for your account got requested.", "all-rights-reserved": "All rights reserved.", "event_name-registration": "{{event_name}} Registration", "if-you-didnt-register-yourself-you-should-contact-us-to-get-your-data-removed-from-our-systems": "If you didn't register yourself you should contact us to get your data removed from our systems:", "if-you-didnt-request-the-reset-please-ignore-this-mail": "If you didn't request the reset please ignore this mail.", "if-you-ever-loose-the-link-you-can-request-a-new-one-by-visiting-our-website": "If you ever loose the link you can request a new one by visiting our website:", "imprint": "Imprint", "lfk-mail-test": "{{copyright_owner}} - Mail test", "lfk-password-reset": "{{copyright_owner}} - Password reset", "password-reset": "Password reset", "privacy": "Privacy", "reset-password": "Reset password", "test-mail": "Test mail", "thank-you-for-requesting-a-new-link-to-your-event_name-runner-profile": "Thank you for requesting a new link to your {{event_name}} runner profile.", "thanks-for-registering-and-welcome-to-the-event_name": "Thanks for registering and welcome to the {{event_name}}!", "the-only-thing-you-have-to-do-now-is-to-bring-your-registration-code-with-you": "The only thing you have to do now is to bring your registration code with you.", "this-is-a-test-mail-triggered-by-an-admin-in-the-lfk-backend": "This is a test mail triggered by an admin in the LfK! backend.", "this-mail-was-sent-to-recipient_mail-because-someone-request-a-mail-test-for-this-mail-address": "This mail was sent to you because someone request a mail test for this mail address.", "this-mail-was-sent-to-you-because-someone-request-a-password-reset-for-a-account-linked-to-the-mail-address": "This mail was sent to you because someone request a password reset for a account linked to the mail address.", "this-mail-was-sent-to-you-because-someone-requested-a-new-link-to-access-your-profile-for-the-event_name": "This mail was sent to you, because someone requested a new link to access your profile for the {{event_name}}.", "this-mail-was-sent-to-you-because-someone-used-your-mail-address-to-register-themselfes-for-the-event_name": "This mail was sent to you, because someone used your mail address to register themselves for the {{event_name}}", "to-prevent-spam-you-can-only-request-a-new-link-every-24hrs": "To prevent spam you can only request a new link every 24hrs.", "view-my-data": "View my data", "we-successfully-processed-your-registration": "We successfully processed your registration.", "welcome": "Welcome", "you-can-view-your-registration-code-lap-times-and-much-more-by-visiting-our-selfservice": "You can view your registration code, lap times and much more by visiting our selfservice:", "your-event_name-profile": "Your {{event_name}} profile", "your-password-wont-be-changed-until-you-click-the-reset-link-below-and-set-a-new-one": "Your password won't be changed until you click the reset link below and set a new one.", "your-profile": "Your profile" }