--- kind: secret name: gitea_token get: path: odit-git-bot name: apikey --- kind: secret name: git_ssh get: path: odit-git-bot name: sshkey --- kind: pipeline type: kubernetes name: build:tag steps: - name: run electron packager depends_on: ["clone"] image: node:15.11.0-alpine3.13 commands: - apk add git zip -f - yarn - yarn build - mkdir dist - zip -r dist/@lfk-scanclient-electron-linux-x64.zip out/@lfk-scanclient-electron-linux-x64 - name: gitea_release depends_on: ["run electron packager"] image: plugins/gitea-release settings: api_key: from_secret: gitea_token base_url: https://git.odit.services files: dist/* checksum: - md5 - sha1 - sha256 - sha512 - adler32 - crc32 trigger: event: - tag --- kind: pipeline type: kubernetes name: prepare:tag steps: - name: bump package version image: node:alpine commands: - npm --no-git-tag-version version ${SOURCE_TAG} - name: commit & tag image: alpine/git commands: - git add . - git commit -m "🚀New package version ${SOURCE_TAG} [CI SKIP]" - git tag ${SOURCE_TAG} - name: push commit to repo image: appleboy/drone-git-push settings: branch: main commit: false author_email: bot@odit.services remote: git@git.odit.services:lfk/scanclient-electron.git ssh_key: from_secret: git_ssh - name: push tag to repo image: appleboy/drone-git-push settings: followtags: true remote: git@git.odit.services:lfk/scanclient-electron.git ssh_key: from_secret: git_ssh trigger: event: exclude: - push include: - custom