#!/bin/sh exec /bin/bash "$(dirname "$0")"/bootinst.sh exec /bin/sh "$(dirname "$0")"/bootinst.sh @echo off COLOR 2F cls echo =============================================================================== echo. echo ________.__ echo / ____/^| ^| _____ ___ ___ echo \____ \ ^| ^| \__ \ \ \/ / echo / \^| ^|__/ __ \_^> ^< echo /______ /^|____(____ /__/\_ \ echo \/ \/ \/ echo. echo =============================================================================== echo. set DISK=none set BOOTFLAG=boot666s.tmp :checkPrivileges mkdir "%windir%\AdminCheck" 2>nul if '%errorlevel%' == '0' rmdir "%windir%\AdminCheck" & goto gotPrivileges else goto getPrivileges :getPrivileges ECHO. ECHO Administrator Rights are required ECHO Invoking UAC for Privilege Escalation ECHO. runadmin.vbs %0 goto end :gotPrivileges CD /D "%~dp0" echo This file is used to determine current drive letter. It should be deleted. >\%BOOTFLAG% if not exist \%BOOTFLAG% goto readOnly echo.|set /p=wait please for %%d in ( C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ) do echo.|set /p=. & if exist %%d:\%BOOTFLAG% set DISK=%%d echo . . . . . . . . . . del \%BOOTFLAG% if %DISK% == none goto DiskNotFound wscript.exe samedisk.vbs %windir% %DISK% if %ERRORLEVEL% == 99 goto refuseDisk echo Setting up boot record for %DISK%: ... if %OS% == Windows_NT goto setupNT goto setup95 :setupNT \slax\boot\syslinux.exe -maf -d /slax/boot/ %DISK%: if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto setupDone goto errorFound :setup95 \slax\boot\syslinux.com -maf -d /slax/boot/ %DISK%: if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto setupDone goto errorFound :setupDone echo Installation finished. goto pauseit :errorFound color 4F echo. echo Error installing boot loader goto pauseit :refuseDisk color 4F echo. echo Directory %DISK%:\slax\boot\ seems to be on the same physical disk as your Windows. echo Installing bootloader would harm your Windows and thus is disabled. echo Please use different drive and try again. goto pauseit :readOnly color 4F echo. echo You're starting this installer from a read-only media, this will not work. goto pauseit :DiskNotFound color 4F echo. echo Error: can't discover current drive letter :pauseit if "%1" == "auto" goto end echo. echo Press any key... pause > nul :end