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2021-03-14 18:06:51 +00:00
# Vite Electron Builder Template
2021-03-08 21:20:48 +00:00
2021-03-14 18:06:51 +00:00
> Vite+Electron = 🔥
This is a secure template for electron applications. Written following the latest safety requirements, recommendations and best practices.
Under the hood is used [Vite 2.0][vite] — super fast, nextgen bundler, and [electron-builder] for compilation.
By default, the **Vue framework** is used for the interface, but you can easily use any other frameworks such as **React**, **Preact**, **Angular**, **Svelte** or anything else.
> Vite is framework agnostic
## Support
This template maintained by [Alex Kozack][cawa-93-github]. You can [💖 sponsor him][cawa-93-sponsor] for continued development of this template.
If you have ideas, questions or suggestions - **Welcome to [discussions](**. 😊
## Recommended requirements
- **Node**: >=14.16
- **npm**: >7.6
## Features
### Electron [![Electron version](][electron]
- Template use the latest electron version with all the latest security patches.
- The architecture of the application is built according to the security [guids]( and best practices.
- The latest version of the [electron-builder] is used to compile the application.
### Vite [![Vite version](][vite]
- [Vite] is used to bundle all source codes. This is an extremely fast packer that has a bunch of great features. You can learn more about how it is arranged in [this]( video.
- Vite [supports]( reading `.env` files. My template has a separate command to generate `.d.ts` file with type definition your environment variables.
Vite provides you with many useful features, such as: `TypeScript`, `TSX/JSX`, `CSS/JSON Importing`, `CSS Modules`, `Web Assembly` and much more.
[See all Vite features](
### TypeScript [![TypeScript version]( ][typescript] (optional)
- The Latest TypeScript is used for all source code.
- **Vite** supports TypeScript out of the box. However, it does not support type checking.
- Type checking is performed in both `.ts` and `.vue` files thanks to [@vuedx/typecheck].
- Code formatting rules follow the latest TypeScript recommendations and best practices thanks to [@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin](
**Note**: If you do not need a TypeScript, you can easily abandon it. To do this, You do not need to make any bundler configuration changes, etc. Just replace all `.ts` files with `.js` files. Additionally, it will be useful to delete TS-specific files, plug-ins and dependencies like `tsconfig.json`, `@typescript-eslint/*`, etc.
### Vue [![Vue version](][vue] (optional)
- By default, web pages are built using the latest version of the [Vue]. However, there are no problems with using any other frameworks or technologies.
- Also, by default, the [vue-router] version [![Vue-router version](][vue-router] is included.
- Code formatting rules follow the latest Vue recommendations and best practices thanks to [eslint-plugin-vue].
- Installed [Vue.js devtools beta]( with Vue 3 support.
### Continuous Integration
- The configured workflow for check the types for each push and PR.
- The configured workflow for check the code style for each push and PR.
- **Automatic tests** used [spectron]. Simple, automated test check:
- Does the main window open
- Is the main window not empty
- Is dev tools closed
### Continuous deployment
- An automatic update from GitHub releases is supported.
- Each time you push changes to the main branch, a workflow starts, which creates a new github release.
- The version number is automatically set based on the current date in the format "".
- Notes are automatically generated and added to the new release.
## Status
- ✅ Building main and renderer endpoints in production mode — works great.
- ✅ Development mode with hot reload for renderer endpoint — works great.
- ⚠ Development mode for main and preload endpoints — work fine, but it is possible to reboot the backend faster ([vite#1434](
- ✅ Compile the app with electron builder in CD — work.
- ✅ Auto update — work.
- ⚠ Typechecking in `.ts` and `.vue` files — work thanks [![@vuedx/typecheck](][@vuedx/typecheck]. Improvement needed.
- ⚠ Linting — work fine, but need review the configuration files and refactor its.
- ✅ Vue.js devtools beta.
- ⏳ Code signing — planned.
## How it works
The template required a minimum [dependencies](package.json). Only **Vite** is used for building, nothing more.
### Using electron API in renderer
As per the security requirements, context isolation is enabled in this template.
> Context Isolation is a feature that ensures that both your `preload` scripts and Electron's internal logic run in a separate context to the website you load in a [`webContents`]( This is important for security purposes as it helps prevent the website from accessing Electron internals or the powerful APIs your preload script has access to.
> This means that the `window` object that your preload script has access to is actually a **different** object than the website would have access to. For example, if you set `window.hello = 'wave'` in your preload script and context isolation is enabled `window.hello` will be undefined if the website tries to access it.
[Read more about Context Isolation](
Exposing APIs from your `preload script` to the renderer is a common usecase and there is a dedicated module in Electron to help you do this in a painless way.
// /src/preload/index.ts
const api = {
data: ['foo', 'bar'],
doThing: () => ipcRenderer.send('do-a-thing')
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electron', api)
To access this API use the `useElectron()` function:
// /src/renderer/App.vue
import {useElectron} from '/@/use/electron'
const {doThing, data} = useElectron()
**Note**: Context isolation disabled for `test` environment. See [#693](
### Modes and Environment Variables
All environment variables set as part of the `import.meta`, so you can access them as follows: `import.meta.env`.
You can also build type definitions of your variables by running `bin/buildEnvTypes.js`. This command will create `types/env.d.ts` file with describing all environment variables for all modes.
The mode option is used to specify the value of `import.meta.env.MODE` and the corresponding environment variables files that needs to be loaded.
By default, there are two modes:
- `production` is used by default
- `development` is used by `npm run watch` script
- `test` is used by `npm test` script
When running building, environment variables are loaded from the following files in your project root:
.env # loaded in all cases
.env.local # loaded in all cases, ignored by git
.env.[mode] # only loaded in specified env mode
.env.[mode].local # only loaded in specified env mode, ignored by git
**Note:** only variables prefixed with `VITE_` are exposed to your code (e.g. `VITE_SOME_KEY=123`) and `SOME_KEY=123` will not. you can access `VITE_SOME_KEY` using `import.meta.env.VITE_SOME_KEY`. This is because the `.env` files may be used by some users for server-side or build scripts and may contain sensitive information that should not be exposed in code shipped to browsers.
### Project Structure
- [`src`](src)
Contains all source code.
- [`src/main`](src/main)
Contain entrypoint for Electron [**main script**](
- [`src/renderer`](src/renderer)
Contain entrypoint for Electron [**web page**]( All files in this directory work as a regular Vue application.
- [`src/preload`](src/preload)
Contain entrypoint for custom script. It uses as `preload` script in `BrowserWindow.webPreferences.preload`. See [Checklist: Security Recommendations](
- [`src/*`](src) It is assumed any entry points will be added here, for custom scripts, web workers, webassembly compilations, etc.
- [`dist`](dist)
- [`dist/source`](dist/source)
Contains all bundled code.
- [`dist/source/main`](dist/source/main) Bundled *main* entrypoint.
- [`dist/source/renderer`](dist/source/renderer) Bundled *renderer* entrypoint.
- [`dist/source/preload`](dist/source/preload) Bundled *preload* entrypoint.
- [`dist/source/*`](dist/source) Bundled any custom files.
- [`dist/app`](dist/app)
Contain packages and ready-to-distribute electron apps for any platform. Files in this directory created using [electron-builder].
- [`config`](config)
Contains various configuration files for Vite, TypeScript, electron builder, etc.
- [`bin`](bin)
It is believed any scripts for build the application will be located here.
- [`types`](types)
Contains all declaration files to be applied globally to the entire project
- [`tests`](tests)
Contains all tests
### Development Setup
This project was tested on Node 14.
1. Fork this repository
1. Run `npm install` to install all dependencies
1. Build compile app for production — `npm run compile`
1. Run development environment with file watching — `npm run watch`
1. Run tests — `npm test`