Go to file
ortni79929 524652f783 Merge branch 'deployment/cicd' into 'master'
Add full deployment Pipeline to master

See merge request scrum-taskboard/frontend!4
2020-06-22 14:36:28 +02:00
e2e Revert "Removed all files not related to docker stuff (should've done that earlier)" 2020-06-02 16:02:15 +02:00
src Reduced future code bulge 2020-06-11 15:37:57 +02:00
.dockerignore Added basics for deployment via Docker 2020-06-02 15:38:54 +02:00
.editorconfig Revert "Removed all files not related to docker stuff (should've done that earlier)" 2020-06-02 16:02:15 +02:00
.gitignore Erstelle Angular-Projekt 2020-06-01 15:12:11 +02:00
.gitlab-ci.yml Added build pipeline 2020-06-06 22:25:04 +02:00
Dockerfile Added Workaround for the routing problem 2020-06-10 13:04:56 +02:00
README.md Added the private registry to the readme 2020-06-06 22:37:21 +02:00
angular.json Add ng-bootstrap, implement task form modal window 2020-06-03 17:04:44 +02:00
browserslist Revert "Removed all files not related to docker stuff (should've done that earlier)" 2020-06-02 16:02:15 +02:00
docker-compose.yml Updated compose to use the prebuild version 2020-06-06 22:37:01 +02:00
karma.conf.js Revert "Removed all files not related to docker stuff (should've done that earlier)" 2020-06-02 16:02:15 +02:00
nginx.conf Another nginx-angular related update 2020-06-10 13:25:26 +02:00
package-lock.json Add ng-bootstrap, implement task form modal window 2020-06-03 17:04:44 +02:00
package.json Add ng-bootstrap, implement task form modal window 2020-06-03 17:04:44 +02:00
tsconfig.app.json Revert "Removed all files not related to docker stuff (should've done that earlier)" 2020-06-02 16:02:15 +02:00
tsconfig.json Revert "Removed all files not related to docker stuff (should've done that earlier)" 2020-06-02 16:02:15 +02:00
tsconfig.spec.json Revert "Removed all files not related to docker stuff (should've done that earlier)" 2020-06-02 16:02:15 +02:00
tslint.json Revert "Removed all files not related to docker stuff (should've done that earlier)" 2020-06-02 16:02:15 +02:00



This project was generated with Angular CLI version 9.1.7.

Angular CLI

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.

Deploy with Docker

Prerequisite: Docker and/or Docker Compose have to be installed on your system
The Docker installation instructions for most operation systems can be found here: https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
The Docker Compose installation instructions for most operation systems can be found here: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/ To use the prebuild images log into the private registry: docker login -u testuser -p LpH2v1mShPpC8Xeimkd2AISA03zaC+vq scrumdev.azurecr.io

Quick Deployment with Docker Compose

  1. Clone the git repo
  2. Open the cloned repo's folder in a shell of your choice (as long as it supports Docker)
  3. Tell Docker Compose to run the app alongside a database with docker-compose up

Other useful commands:

  • Run attached (in the background): docker-compose up -d
  • Stop: docker-compose down
  • Restart: docker-compose restart

Build the Container yourself (and run it)

  1. Clone the git repo
  2. Open the cloned repo's folder in a shell of your choice (as long as it supports Docker)
  3. Tell Docker to build the app under the name "taskboard/frontend" with docker build -t taskboard/frontend .
  4. Tell Docker to run the app on port 8080 with docker run -p 8080:80 taskboard/frontend

Other useful commands:

  • Run detached: docker run -d -p 8080:80 taskboard/frontend
  • Run under specified name: docker run -p 8080:80 --name frontend taskboard/frontend