Updated icons to use cleaner ones

This commit is contained in:
Nicolai Ort 2020-08-29 17:43:50 +02:00
parent fb094b9e8c
commit 1813c7b641
2 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ var mailymailyApp = mailymailyApp || {};
* The default svg icon for default email app button.
* @type {String}
var uiSvg = `<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M0 3v18h24v-18h-24zm6.623 7.929l-4.623 5.712v-9.458l4.623 3.746zm-4.141-5.929h19.035l-9.517 7.713-9.518-7.713zm5.694 7.188l3.824 3.099 3.83-3.104 5.612 6.817h-18.779l5.513-6.812zm9.208-1.264l4.616-3.741v9.348l-4.616-5.607z"/></svg>`;
var uiSvg = `<svg viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M 3 8 L 3 26 L 29 26 L 29 8 Z M 7.3125 10 L 24.6875 10 L 16 15.78125 Z M 5 10.875 L 15.4375 17.84375 L 16 18.1875 L 16.5625 17.84375 L 27 10.875 L 27 24 L 5 24 Z"/></svg>`;
* The default svg icon for copy button.
* @type {String}
var clipboardSvg = `<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M7 13h10v1h-10v-1zm15-11v22h-20v-22h3c1.229 0 2.18-1.084 3-2h8c.82.916 1.771 2 3 2h3zm-11 1c0 .552.448 1 1 1s1-.448 1-1-.448-1-1-1-1 .448-1 1zm9 15.135c-1.073 1.355-2.448 2.763-3.824 3.865h3.824v-3.865zm0-14.135h-4l-2 2h-3.898l-2.102-2h-4v18h7.362c4.156 0 2.638-6 2.638-6s6 1.65 6-2.457v-9.543zm-13 12h5v-1h-5v1zm0-4h10v-1h-10v1zm0-2h10v-1h-10v1z"/></svg>`;
var clipboardSvg = `<svg viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M 16 3 C 14.742188 3 13.847656 3.890625 13.40625 5 L 6 5 L 6 28 L 26 28 L 26 5 L 18.59375 5 C 18.152344 3.890625 17.257813 3 16 3 Z M 16 5 C 16.554688 5 17 5.445313 17 6 L 17 7 L 20 7 L 20 9 L 12 9 L 12 7 L 15 7 L 15 6 C 15 5.445313 15.445313 5 16 5 Z M 8 7 L 10 7 L 10 11 L 22 11 L 22 7 L 24 7 L 24 26 L 8 26 Z"/></svg>`;
* User options to change mailymaily's behavior and/or appearance.