import { MailgoConfig } from "mailgo"; // i18n for mailgo const i18n = require("../i18n/i18n.json"); // mailgo scss const mailgoCSS = require("./mailgo.scss").toString(); // default lang const DEFAULT_LANG = "en"; // links const MAILTO: string = "mailto:"; const TEL: string = "tel:"; const CALLTO: string = "callto:"; // mailgo types const MAIL_TYPE: string = "mail"; const TEL_TYPE: string = "tel"; // default href for links const DEFAULT_BTN_HREF: string = "javascript:void(0);"; // html tags const span: string = "span"; // mailgo variables let url: URL, mail: string = "", encEmail: string = "", cc: string = "", bcc: string = "", subject: string = "", bodyMail: string = ""; // mailgo tel variables let tel: string = "", msg: string = "", telegramUsername: string = "", skypeUsername: string = ""; // the DOM elements let title: HTMLElement, titleTel: HTMLElement, detailCc: HTMLElement, detailBcc: HTMLElement, detailSubject: HTMLElement, detailBody: HTMLElement, ccValue: HTMLElement, bccValue: HTMLElement, subjectValue: HTMLElement, bodyValue: HTMLElement; // mailgo buttons (actions) let gmail: HTMLLinkElement, outlook: HTMLLinkElement, open: HTMLLinkElement, telegram: HTMLLinkElement, wa: HTMLLinkElement, skype: HTMLLinkElement, call: HTMLLinkElement, copyMail: HTMLLinkElement, copyTel: HTMLLinkElement; /** * mailgoInit * the function that creates the mailgo elements in DOM */ const mailgoInit = (mailgoConfig?: MailgoConfig): void => { // default language let lang = DEFAULT_LANG; // translations let translations: any = i18n.translations; // if a default language is defined use it if (mailgoConfig?.lang && i18n.languages.includes(mailgoConfig.lang)) { lang = mailgoConfig.lang; } // if is defined use it! if (!mailgoConfig?.forceLang) { // keep the lang from html let htmlLang = document.documentElement.lang; // if there are translations... if (i18n.languages.includes(htmlLang)) { lang = document.documentElement.lang; } } // strings let defaultStrings: any = translations[DEFAULT_LANG]; let strings: any = translations[lang]; // mailgo mail { // modal let modal = createElement(); = "none"; = "mailgo"; modal.classList.add("m-modal"); // if dark is in config if (mailgoConfig?.dark) { modal.classList.add("m-dark"); } // background let modalBackground = createElement(); modalBackground.className = "m-modal-back"; modal.appendChild(modalBackground); // modal content let modalContent = createElement(); modalContent.className = "m-modal-content"; modal.appendChild(modalContent); // title (email address) title = createElement("strong"); = "m-title"; title.className = "m-title"; modalContent.appendChild(title); // details let details = createElement(); = "m-details"; details.className = "m-details"; detailCc = createElement("p"); = "m-cc"; let ccSpan = createElement(span); ccSpan.className = "w-500"; ccSpan.appendChild(createTextNode(strings.cc_ || defaultStrings.cc_)); ccValue = createElement(span); = "m-cc-value"; detailCc.appendChild(ccSpan); detailCc.appendChild(ccValue); details.appendChild(detailCc); detailBcc = createElement("p"); = "m-bcc"; let bccSpan = createElement(span); bccSpan.className = "w-500"; bccSpan.appendChild(createTextNode(strings.bcc_ || defaultStrings.bcc_)); bccValue = createElement(span); = "m-bcc-value"; detailBcc.appendChild(bccSpan); detailBcc.appendChild(bccValue); details.appendChild(detailBcc); detailSubject = createElement("p"); = "m-subject"; let subjectSpan = createElement(span); subjectSpan.className = "w-500"; subjectSpan.appendChild( createTextNode(strings.subject_ || defaultStrings.subject_) ); subjectValue = createElement(span); = "m-subject-value"; detailSubject.appendChild(subjectSpan); detailSubject.appendChild(subjectValue); details.appendChild(detailSubject); detailBody = createElement("p"); = "m-body"; let bodySpan = createElement(span); bodySpan.className = "w-500"; bodySpan.appendChild(createTextNode(strings.body_ || defaultStrings.body_)); bodyValue = createElement(span); = "m-body-value"; detailBody.appendChild(bodySpan); detailBody.appendChild(bodyValue); details.appendChild(detailBody); modalContent.appendChild(details); // Gmail gmail = createElement("a") as HTMLLinkElement; = "m-gmail"; gmail.href = DEFAULT_BTN_HREF; gmail.classList.add("m-open"); gmail.classList.add("m-gmail"); gmail.appendChild( createTextNode(strings.open_in || defaultStrings.open_in) ); let gmailSpan = createElement(span); gmailSpan.className = "w-500"; gmailSpan.appendChild( createTextNode( || ); gmail.appendChild(gmailSpan); modalContent.appendChild(gmail); // Outlook outlook = createElement("a") as HTMLLinkElement; = "m-outlook"; outlook.href = DEFAULT_BTN_HREF; outlook.classList.add("m-open"); outlook.classList.add("m-outlook"); outlook.appendChild( createTextNode(strings.open_in || defaultStrings.open_in) ); let outlookSpan = createElement(span); outlookSpan.className = "w-500"; outlookSpan.appendChild( createTextNode(strings.outlook || defaultStrings.outlook) ); outlook.appendChild(outlookSpan); modalContent.appendChild(outlook); // open default open = createElement("a") as HTMLLinkElement; = "m-open"; open.href = DEFAULT_BTN_HREF; open.classList.add("m-open"); open.classList.add("m-default"); let openSpan = createElement(span); openSpan.className = "w-500"; openSpan.appendChild(createTextNode( ||; open.appendChild(openSpan); open.appendChild( createTextNode(strings._default || defaultStrings._default) ); modalContent.appendChild(open); // copy copyMail = createElement("a") as HTMLLinkElement; = "m-copy"; copyMail.href = DEFAULT_BTN_HREF; copyMail.classList.add("m-copy"); copyMail.classList.add("w-500"); copyMail.appendChild(createTextNode(strings.copy || defaultStrings.copy)); modalContent.appendChild(copyMail); modalContent.appendChild(byElement()); // add the modal at the end of the body document.body.appendChild(modal); // every click outside the modal will hide the modal modalBackground.addEventListener("click", hideMailgo); } // mailgo tel { // modal let modal = createElement(); = "none"; = "mailgo-tel"; modal.classList.add("m-modal"); // if dark is in config if (mailgoConfig?.dark) { modal.classList.add("m-dark"); } // background let modalBackground = createElement(); modalBackground.className = "m-modal-back"; modal.appendChild(modalBackground); // modal content let modalContent = createElement(); modalContent.className = "m-modal-content"; modal.appendChild(modalContent); // title (telephone number) titleTel = createElement("strong"); = "m-tel-title"; titleTel.className = "m-title"; modalContent.appendChild(titleTel); // Telegram telegram = createElement("a") as HTMLLinkElement; = "m-tg"; telegram.href = DEFAULT_BTN_HREF; telegram.classList.add("m-open"); telegram.classList.add("m-tg"); // by default not display = "none"; telegram.appendChild( createTextNode(strings.open_in || defaultStrings.open_in) ); let telegramSpan = createElement(span); telegramSpan.className = "w-500"; telegramSpan.appendChild( createTextNode(strings.telegram || defaultStrings.telegram) ); telegram.appendChild(telegramSpan); modalContent.appendChild(telegram); // WhatsApp wa = createElement("a") as HTMLLinkElement; = "m-wa"; wa.href = DEFAULT_BTN_HREF; wa.classList.add("m-open"); wa.classList.add("m-wa"); wa.appendChild(createTextNode(strings.open_in || defaultStrings.open_in)); let waSpan = createElement(span); waSpan.className = "w-500"; waSpan.appendChild( createTextNode(strings.whatsapp || defaultStrings.whatsapp) ); wa.appendChild(waSpan); modalContent.appendChild(wa); // Skype skype = createElement("a") as HTMLLinkElement; = "m-skype"; skype.href = DEFAULT_BTN_HREF; skype.classList.add("m-open"); skype.classList.add("m-skype"); skype.appendChild( createTextNode(strings.open_in || defaultStrings.open_in) ); let skypeSpan = createElement(span); skypeSpan.className = "w-500"; skypeSpan.appendChild( createTextNode( || ); skype.appendChild(skypeSpan); modalContent.appendChild(skype); // call default call = createElement("a") as HTMLLinkElement; = "m-call"; call.href = DEFAULT_BTN_HREF; call.classList.add("m-open"); call.classList.add("m-default"); let callSpan = createElement(span); callSpan.className = "w-500"; callSpan.appendChild(createTextNode( ||; call.appendChild(callSpan); call.appendChild( createTextNode(strings._as_default || defaultStrings._as_default) ); modalContent.appendChild(call); // copy copyTel = createElement("a") as HTMLLinkElement; = "m-tel-copy"; copyTel.href = DEFAULT_BTN_HREF; copyTel.classList.add("m-copy"); copyTel.classList.add("w-500"); copyTel.appendChild(createTextNode(strings.copy || defaultStrings.copy)); modalContent.appendChild(copyTel); modalContent.appendChild(byElement()); // add the modal at the end of the body document.body.appendChild(modal); // every click outside the modal will hide the modal modalBackground.addEventListener("click", hideMailgo); } // event listener on body, if the element is mailgo-compatible the mailgo modal will be rendered document.addEventListener("click", mailgoCheckRender); }; /** * mailgoRender * function to render a mailgo (mail or tel) */ const mailgoRender = (type = MAIL_TYPE, mailgo: HTMLLinkElement): void => { // mailgo mail if (type === MAIL_TYPE) { // if the element href=^"mailto:" if (mailgo.href && mailgo.href.toLowerCase().startsWith(MAILTO)) { mail = decodeURIComponent( mailgo.href.split("?")[0].split(MAILTO)[1].trim() ); url = new URL(mailgo.href); let urlParams: URLSearchParams = url.searchParams; // optional parameters for the email cc = urlParams.get("cc"); bcc = urlParams.get("bcc"); subject = urlParams.get("subject"); bodyMail = urlParams.get("body"); } else { // if the element href="#mailgo" or class="mailgo" // mail = data-address + @ + data-domain mail = mailgo.getAttribute("data-address") + "@" + mailgo.getAttribute("data-domain"); url = new URL(MAILTO + encodeURIComponent(mail)); // cc = data-cc-address + @ + data-cc-domain cc = mailgo.getAttribute("data-cc-address") + "@" + mailgo.getAttribute("data-cc-domain"); // bcc = data-bcc-address + @ + data-bcc-domain bcc = mailgo.getAttribute("data-bcc-address") + "@" + mailgo.getAttribute("data-bcc-domain"); // subject = data-subject subject = mailgo.getAttribute("data-subject"); // body = data-body bodyMail = mailgo.getAttribute("data-body"); } // validate the email address if (!validateEmails(mail.split(","))) return; // if cc, bcc is not valid cc, bcc = "" if (cc && !validateEmails(cc.split(","))) cc = ""; if (bcc && !validateEmails(bcc.split(","))) bcc = ""; // the title of the modal (email address) title.innerHTML = mail.split(",").join("
"); // add the details if provided cc ? (( = "block"), (ccValue.innerHTML = cc.split(",").join("
"))) : ( = "none"); bcc ? (( = "block"), (bccValue.innerHTML = bcc.split(",").join("
"))) : ( = "none"); subject ? (( = "block"), (subjectValue.textContent = subject)) : ( = "none"); bodyMail ? (( = "block"), (bodyValue.textContent = bodyMail)) : ( = "none"); // add the actions gmail.addEventListener("click", openGmail); outlook.addEventListener("click", openOutlook); encEmail = encodeEmail(mail); open.addEventListener("click", openDefault); copyMail.addEventListener("click", () => copy(mail)); } // mailgo tel if (type === TEL_TYPE) { if (mailgo.href && mailgo.href.toLowerCase().startsWith(TEL)) { tel = decodeURIComponent(mailgo.href.split("?")[0].split(TEL)[1].trim()); } else if (mailgo.href && mailgo.href.toLowerCase().startsWith(CALLTO)) { tel = decodeURIComponent( mailgo.href.split("?")[0].split(CALLTO)[1].trim() ); } else if (mailgo.hasAttribute("data-tel")) { tel = mailgo.getAttribute("data-tel"); msg = mailgo.getAttribute("data-msg"); } // information // let titleEl = getE("m-tel-title"); // Telegram username if (mailgo.hasAttribute("data-telegram")) { telegramUsername = mailgo.getAttribute("data-telegram"); } // Telegram username if (mailgo.hasAttribute("data-skype")) { skypeUsername = mailgo.getAttribute("data-skype"); } // the title of the modal (tel) titleTel.innerHTML = tel; // add the actions to buttons wa.addEventListener("click", openWhatsApp); if (telegramUsername) { setDisplay("m-tg", "block"); telegram.addEventListener("click", openTelegram); } skype.addEventListener("click", openSkype); call.addEventListener("click", callDefault); copyTel.addEventListener("click", () => copy(tel)); } // show the mailgo showMailgo(type); // add listener keyDown document.addEventListener("keydown", mailgoKeydown); }; // actions const openGmail = (): void => { // Gmail url let gmailUrl = "" + encodeURIComponent(mail); // the details if provided if (cc) gmailUrl = gmailUrl.concat("&cc=" + encodeURIComponent(cc)); if (bcc) gmailUrl = gmailUrl.concat("&bcc=" + encodeURIComponent(bcc)); if (subject) gmailUrl = gmailUrl.concat("&subject=" + subject); if (bodyMail) gmailUrl = gmailUrl.concat("&body=" + bodyMail); // open the link, "_blank"); // hide the modal hideMailgo(); }; const openOutlook = (): void => { // Outlook url let outlookUrl = "" + encodeURIComponent(mail); // the details if provided if (subject) outlookUrl = outlookUrl.concat("&subject=" + subject); if (bodyMail) outlookUrl = outlookUrl.concat("&body=" + bodyMail); // open the link, "_blank"); // hide the modal hideMailgo(); }; const openDefault = (): void => { mailToEncoded(encEmail); hideMailgo(); }; const openTelegram = (): void => { // Telegram url let tgUrl = "" + telegramUsername; // open the url, "_blank"); // hide the modal hideMailgo(); }; const openSkype = (): void => { let skype = skypeUsername !== "" ? skypeUsername : tel; // Telegram url let skypeUrl = "skype:" + skype; // open the url, "_blank"); // hide the modal hideMailgo(); }; const openWhatsApp = (): void => { // WhatsApp url let waUrl = "" + tel; // the details if provided if (msg) waUrl + "?text=" + msg; // open the url, "_blank"); // hide the modal hideMailgo(); }; const callDefault = () => { let callUrl = "tel:" + tel;; hideMailgo(); }; const copy = (content: string): void => { copyToClipboard(content); let activeCopy: HTMLElement; // the correct copyButton (mail or tel) mailgoIsShowing(MAIL_TYPE) ? (activeCopy = copyMail) : (activeCopy = copyTel); activeCopy.textContent = "copied"; setTimeout(() => { activeCopy.textContent = "copy"; // hide after the timeout hideMailgo(); }, 999); }; // function that returns if an element is a mailgo const isMailgo = (element: HTMLElement, type: string = MAIL_TYPE): boolean => { let href: string = (element as HTMLLinkElement).href; // mailgo type mail if (type === MAIL_TYPE) { return ( // first case: it is an element with "mailto:..." in href and no no-mailgo in classList (href && href.toLowerCase().startsWith(MAILTO) && !element.classList.contains("no-mailgo")) || (element.hasAttribute("data-address") && // second case: the href=#mailgo ((href && element.getAttribute("href").toLowerCase() === "#mailgo") || // third case: the classList contains mailgo (element.classList && element.classList.contains("mailgo")))) ); } // mailgo type tel if (type === TEL_TYPE) { return ( // first case: it is an element with "tel:..." or "callto:..." in href and no no-mailgo in classList (href && (href.toLowerCase().startsWith(TEL) || href.toLowerCase().startsWith(CALLTO)) && !element.classList.contains("no-mailgo")) || (element.hasAttribute("data-tel") && // second case: the href=#mailgo href && element.getAttribute("href").toLowerCase() === "#mailgo") || // third case: the classList contains mailgo (element.classList && element.classList.contains("mailgo")) ); } return false; }; /** * mailgoCheckRender * function to check if an element is mailgo-enabled or not referencing to * mail: * document.querySelectorAll( * 'a[href^="mailto:" i]:not(.no-mailgo), a[href="#mailgo"], a.mailgo' * ); * tel: * document.querySelectorAll( * 'a[href^="tel:" i]:not(.no-mailgo), a[href="#mailgo"], a.mailgo' * ); * or * document.querySelectorAll( * 'a[href^="callto:" i]:not(.no-mailgo), a[href="#mailgo"], a.mailgo' * ); */ const mailgoCheckRender = (event: Event): boolean => { // check if the id=mailgo exists in the body if ( !document.contains(getE("mailgo")) || !document.contains(getE("mailgo-tel")) ) return; // if a mailgo is already showing do nothing if (mailgoIsShowing(MAIL_TYPE) || mailgoIsShowing(TEL_TYPE)) return false; // the path of the event let path = (event.composedPath && event.composedPath()) || composedPath( as HTMLElement); if (path) { path.forEach((element: HTMLElement) => { if (element instanceof HTMLDocument || element instanceof Window) return false; // go in the event.path to find if the user has clicked on a mailgo element if (isMailgo(element, MAIL_TYPE)) { // stop the normal execution of the element click event.preventDefault(); // render mailgo mailgoRender(MAIL_TYPE, element as HTMLLinkElement); return true; } if (isMailgo(element, TEL_TYPE)) { // stop the normal execution of the element click event.preventDefault(); // render mailgo mailgoRender(TEL_TYPE, element as HTMLLinkElement); return true; } }); } return false; }; /** * mailgoKeydown * function to manage the keydown event when the modal is showing */ const mailgoKeydown = (event: KeyboardEvent): void => { // if mailgo is showing if (mailgoIsShowing(MAIL_TYPE)) { switch (event.keyCode) { case 27: // Escape hideMailgo(); break; case 71: // g -> open GMail openGmail(); break; case 79: // o -> open Outlook openOutlook(); break; case 32: case 13: // spacebar or enter -> open default openDefault(); break; case 67: // c -> copy copy(mail); break; default: return; } } else if (mailgoIsShowing(TEL_TYPE)) { switch (event.keyCode) { case 27: // Escape hideMailgo(); break; case 84: // t -> open Telegram openTelegram(); break; case 87: // w -> open WhatsApp openWhatsApp(); break; case 32: case 13: // spacebar or enter -> call default callDefault(); break; case 67: // c -> copy copy(tel); break; default: return; } } return; }; // show the modal const showMailgo = (type = MAIL_TYPE): boolean => { // show mailgo type mail if (type === MAIL_TYPE) { setDisplay("mailgo", "flex"); return true; } // show mailgo type tel if (type === TEL_TYPE) { setDisplay("mailgo-tel", "flex"); return true; } return false; }; // hide the modal const hideMailgo = (): void => { setDisplay("mailgo", "none"); setDisplay("mailgo-tel", "none"); // remove listener keyDown document.removeEventListener("keydown", mailgoKeydown); }; // is the mailgo modal hidden? const mailgoIsShowing = (type = MAIL_TYPE): boolean => { return type === MAIL_TYPE ? getDisplay("mailgo") === "flex" : type === TEL_TYPE ? getDisplay("mailgo-tel") === "flex" : false; }; const byElement = (): HTMLLinkElement => { // by let by: HTMLLinkElement = createElement("a") as HTMLLinkElement; by.href = ""; by.className = "m-by"; = "_blank"; by.rel = "noopener noreferrer"; by.appendChild(createTextNode("")); return by; }; // create element const createElement = (element: string = "div"): HTMLElement => document.createElement(element); // create text node const createTextNode = (element: string): Text => document.createTextNode(element); // decrypt email const mailToEncoded = (encoded: string): string => (window.location.href = MAILTO + atob(encoded)); // encode email const encodeEmail = (email: string): string => btoa(email); // getE shorthand const getE = (id: string): HTMLElement => document.getElementById(id); // get display value const getDisplay = (id: string): string => getE(id).style.display; // get display value const setDisplay = (id: string, value: string): string => (getE(id).style.display = value); // custom composedPath if path or event.composedPath() are not defined const composedPath = ( el: HTMLElement ): (HTMLElement | Document | (Window & typeof globalThis))[] => { let path = []; while (el) { path.push(el); if (el.tagName === "HTML") { path.push(document); path.push(window); return path; } el = el.parentElement; } }; // validate a single email with regex const validateEmail = (email: string): boolean => /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/.test( email ); // validate an array of emails const validateEmails = (arr: string[]): boolean => arr.every(validateEmail); // copy of a string const copyToClipboard = (str: string): boolean => { let el: HTMLInputElement = createElement("textarea") as HTMLInputElement; el.value = str; el.setAttribute("readonly", ""); = "absolute"; = "-9999px"; document.body.appendChild(el); let selected = document.getSelection().rangeCount > 0 ? document.getSelection().getRangeAt(0) : false;; document.execCommand("copy"); document.body.removeChild(el); if (selected) { document.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); document.getSelection().addRange(selected); return true; } return false; }; const mailgoStyle = (): void => { // mailgo style let mailgoCSSElement: HTMLStyleElement = createElement( "style" ) as HTMLStyleElement; = "mailgo-style"; mailgoCSSElement.type = "text/css"; mailgoCSSElement.appendChild(createTextNode(mailgoCSS)); document.head.appendChild(mailgoCSSElement); }; // mailgo function mailgo(mailgoConfig?: MailgoConfig): void { // if the window is defined... if (window && typeof window !== "undefined") { // add the style for mailgo mailgoStyle(); // if is set an initEvent add the listener if (mailgoConfig?.initEvent) { document.addEventListener(mailgoConfig.initEvent, () => { mailgoInit(mailgoConfig); }); } else { mailgoInit(mailgoConfig); } } } export default mailgo;