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8 Commits
0.3.2 ... 0.4.0

Author SHA1 Message Date
Nicolai Ort 204bf5b01d 🚀RELEASE 0.4.0
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details
2021-08-21 20:01:09 +02:00
Nicolai Ort cb0e86a66a
Refactoring: Rename 2021-08-21 20:00:51 +02:00
Nicolai Ort 5b375f888e
Removed unused commented template stuff 2021-08-21 20:00:17 +02:00
Nicolai Ort 7365749113
Migrated all sidebar items to the new component 2021-08-21 19:59:55 +02:00
Nicolai Ort 2cf66ab6cb
Added hoverstates 2021-08-21 19:59:39 +02:00
Nicolai Ort 4377fc56c8
Extracted a bunch of duplicate stylechecks into own component 2021-08-21 19:55:22 +02:00
Nicolai Ort 6584b3c7c7
Removed console log 2021-08-21 19:49:16 +02:00
Nicolai Ort a3c379a813
Sidebar activestates
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details
2021-08-21 19:45:14 +02:00
4 changed files with 46 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -2,14 +2,27 @@
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC. All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.
#### [0.4.0](
- Migrated all sidebar items to the new component [`7365749`](
- Removed unused commented template stuff [`5b375f8`](
- Extracted a bunch of duplicate stylechecks into own component [`4377fc5`](
- Refactoring: Rename [`cb0e86a`](
- Sidebar activestates [`a3c379a`](
- Added hoverstates [`2cf66ab`](
- Removed console log [`6584b3c`](
#### [0.3.2]( #### [0.3.2](
> 21 August 2021
- Added code to createurl component [`59a411b`]( - Added code to createurl component [`59a411b`](
- More basics for the shorturl creation module [`515370e`]( - More basics for the shorturl creation module [`515370e`](
- added display logic for the basic elements [`cc5cb27`]( - added display logic for the basic elements [`cc5cb27`](
- Added basics for error handling on url creation [`c5c8514`]( - Added basics for error handling on url creation [`c5c8514`](
- Basics for the new url creation component [`5329c4e`]( - Basics for the new url creation component [`5329c4e`](
- Added adding url functionality to apiclient [`0c629e2`]( - Added adding url functionality to apiclient [`0c629e2`](
- 🚀RELEASE 0.3.2 [`0927620`](
- Tmp removed the createurl component from index until it works [`ea6bd07`]( - Tmp removed the createurl component from index until it works [`ea6bd07`](
- Now only using odit registry hosted images to speed up the build [`3a82caa`]( - Now only using odit registry hosted images to speed up the build [`3a82caa`](
- Switched to our own brotli nginx build [`19e08bc`]( - Switched to our own brotli nginx build [`19e08bc`](

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{ {
"name": "@odit/linkylinky-dashboard", "name": "@odit/linkylinky-dashboard",
"version": "0.3.2", "version": "0.4.0",
"scripts": { "scripts": {
"dev": "svelte-kit dev", "dev": "svelte-kit dev",
"build": "svelte-kit build", "build": "svelte-kit build",

View File

@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
import UserStore from '$lib/UserStore'; import UserStore from '$lib/UserStore';
import { onDestroy } from 'svelte'; import { onDestroy } from 'svelte';
import Apiclient from './Apiclient'; import Apiclient from './Apiclient';
import { page } from '$app/stores';
import SidebarEntry from './SidebarEntry.svelte';
$: logged_in = false; $: logged_in = false;
$: currentPage = $page.path;
const unsubscribe = UserStore.subscribe((value) => { const unsubscribe = UserStore.subscribe((value) => {
logged_in = value.isLoggedIn; logged_in = value.isLoggedIn;
@ -21,7 +24,6 @@
class="flex flex-col w-64 h-screen px-4 py-8 bg-white border-r dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-600" class="flex flex-col w-64 h-screen px-4 py-8 bg-white border-r dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-600"
> >
<h2 class="text-3xl font-semibold text-gray-800 dark:text-white">LinkyLinky</h2> <h2 class="text-3xl font-semibold text-gray-800 dark:text-white">LinkyLinky</h2>
<div class="relative mt-6"> <div class="relative mt-6">
<span class="absolute inset-y-0 left-0 flex items-center pl-3"> <span class="absolute inset-y-0 left-0 flex items-center pl-3">
<svg class="w-5 h-5 text-gray-400" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <svg class="w-5 h-5 text-gray-400" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none">
@ -44,10 +46,7 @@
<div class="flex flex-col justify-between flex-1 mt-6"> <div class="flex flex-col justify-between flex-1 mt-6">
<nav> <nav>
<a <SidebarEntry title="Dashboard" href="./" pageUrl="/" bind:currentPage>
class="flex items-center px-4 py-2 text-gray-700 bg-gray-200 rounded-md dark:bg-gray-700 dark:text-gray-200"
<svg class="w-5 h-5" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <svg class="w-5 h-5" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path <path
d="M19 11H5M19 11C20.1046 11 21 11.8954 21 13V19C21 20.1046 20.1046 21 19 21H5C3.89543 21 3 20.1046 3 19V13C3 11.8954 3.89543 11 5 11M19 11V9C19 7.89543 18.1046 7 17 7M5 11V9C5 7.89543 5.89543 7 7 7M7 7V5C7 3.89543 7.89543 3 9 3H15C16.1046 3 17 3.89543 17 5V7M7 7H17" d="M19 11H5M19 11C20.1046 11 21 11.8954 21 13V19C21 20.1046 20.1046 21 19 21H5C3.89543 21 3 20.1046 3 19V13C3 11.8954 3.89543 11 5 11M19 11V9C19 7.89543 18.1046 7 17 7M5 11V9C5 7.89543 5.89543 7 7 7M7 7V5C7 3.89543 7.89543 3 9 3H15C16.1046 3 17 3.89543 17 5V7M7 7H17"
@ -57,17 +56,12 @@
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linejoin="round"
/> />
</svg> </svg>
<span class="mx-4 font-medium">Dashboard</span>
<hr class="my-6 dark:border-gray-600" /> <hr class="my-6 dark:border-gray-600" />
{#if logged_in} {#if logged_in}
<a <SidebarEntry title="Manage Links" href="./links" pageUrl="/links" bind:currentPage>
class="flex items-center px-4 py-2 mt-5 text-gray-600 transition-colors duration-200 transform rounded-md dark:text-gray-400 hover:bg-gray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:hover:text-gray-200 hover:text-gray-700"
<svg <svg
xmlns="" xmlns=""
class="h-5 w-5" class="h-5 w-5"
@ -82,13 +76,8 @@
d="M13.828 10.172a4 4 0 00-5.656 0l-4 4a4 4 0 105.656 5.656l1.102-1.101m-.758-4.899a4 4 0 005.656 0l4-4a4 4 0 00-5.656-5.656l-1.1 1.1" d="M13.828 10.172a4 4 0 00-5.656 0l-4 4a4 4 0 105.656 5.656l1.102-1.101m-.758-4.899a4 4 0 005.656 0l4-4a4 4 0 00-5.656-5.656l-1.1 1.1"
/> />
</svg> </svg>
<span class="mx-4 font-medium">Manage Links</span> <SidebarEntry title="All visits" href="./visits" pageUrl="/visits" bind:currentPage>
class="flex items-center px-4 py-2 mt-5 text-gray-600 transition-colors duration-200 transform rounded-md dark:text-gray-400 hover:bg-gray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:hover:text-gray-200 hover:text-gray-700"
<svg <svg
xmlns="" xmlns=""
class="h-5 w-5" class="h-5 w-5"
@ -109,33 +98,7 @@
d="M2.458 12C3.732 7.943 7.523 5 12 5c4.478 0 8.268 2.943 9.542 7-1.274 4.057-5.064 7-9.542 7-4.477 0-8.268-2.943-9.542-7z" d="M2.458 12C3.732 7.943 7.523 5 12 5c4.478 0 8.268 2.943 9.542 7-1.274 4.057-5.064 7-9.542 7-4.477 0-8.268-2.943-9.542-7z"
/> />
</svg> </svg>
<span class="mx-4 font-medium">All Visits</span>
<!-- <a
class="flex items-center px-4 py-2 mt-5 text-gray-600 transition-colors duration-200 transform rounded-md dark:text-gray-400 hover:bg-gray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:hover:text-gray-200 hover:text-gray-700"
<svg class="w-5 h-5" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
d="M10.3246 4.31731C10.751 2.5609 13.249 2.5609 13.6754 4.31731C13.9508 5.45193 15.2507 5.99038 16.2478 5.38285C17.7913 4.44239 19.5576 6.2087 18.6172 7.75218C18.0096 8.74925 18.5481 10.0492 19.6827 10.3246C21.4391 10.751 21.4391 13.249 19.6827 13.6754C18.5481 13.9508 18.0096 15.2507 18.6172 16.2478C19.5576 17.7913 17.7913 19.5576 16.2478 18.6172C15.2507 18.0096 13.9508 18.5481 13.6754 19.6827C13.249 21.4391 10.751 21.4391 10.3246 19.6827C10.0492 18.5481 8.74926 18.0096 7.75219 18.6172C6.2087 19.5576 4.44239 17.7913 5.38285 16.2478C5.99038 15.2507 5.45193 13.9508 4.31731 13.6754C2.5609 13.249 2.5609 10.751 4.31731 10.3246C5.45193 10.0492 5.99037 8.74926 5.38285 7.75218C4.44239 6.2087 6.2087 4.44239 7.75219 5.38285C8.74926 5.99037 10.0492 5.45193 10.3246 4.31731Z"
d="M15 12C15 13.6569 13.6569 15 12 15C10.3431 15 9 13.6569 9 12C9 10.3431 10.3431 9 12 9C13.6569 9 15 10.3431 15 12Z"
<span class="mx-4 font-medium">Settings</span>
</a> -->
<button <button
class="flex items-center px-4 py-2 mt-5 text-gray-600 transition-colors duration-200 transform rounded-md dark:text-gray-400 hover:bg-gray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:hover:text-gray-200 hover:text-gray-700" class="flex items-center px-4 py-2 mt-5 text-gray-600 transition-colors duration-200 transform rounded-md dark:text-gray-400 hover:bg-gray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:hover:text-gray-200 hover:text-gray-700"
on:click={logout} on:click={logout}
@ -158,10 +121,7 @@
<span class="mx-4 font-medium">Logout</span> <span class="mx-4 font-medium">Logout</span>
</button> </button>
{:else} {:else}
<a <SidebarEntry title="Login" href="./login" pageUrl="/login" bind:currentPage>
class="flex items-center px-4 py-2 mt-5 text-gray-600 transition-colors duration-200 transform rounded-md dark:text-gray-400 hover:bg-gray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:hover:text-gray-200 hover:text-gray-700"
<svg <svg
xmlns="" xmlns=""
class="h-5 w-5" class="h-5 w-5"
@ -176,9 +136,7 @@
d="M11 16l-4-4m0 0l4-4m-4 4h14m-5 4v1a3 3 0 01-3 3H6a3 3 0 01-3-3V7a3 3 0 013-3h7a3 3 0 013 3v1" d="M11 16l-4-4m0 0l4-4m-4 4h14m-5 4v1a3 3 0 01-3 3H6a3 3 0 01-3-3V7a3 3 0 013-3h7a3 3 0 013 3v1"
/> />
</svg> </svg>
<span class="mx-4 font-medium">Login</span>
{/if} {/if}
</nav> </nav>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
export let currentPage;
export let title = 'null';
export let href = './null';
export let pageUrl = '/null';
class="flex items-center px-4 py-2 mt-5 transition-colors duration-200 transform rounded-md hover:bg-gray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:hover:text-gray-200 hover:text-gray-700"
class:dark:bg-gray-700={currentPage == pageUrl}
class:bg-gray-200={currentPage == pageUrl}
class:dark:text-gray-200={currentPage == pageUrl}
class:text-gray-700={currentPage == pageUrl}
class:dark:text-gray-400={!(currentPage == pageUrl)}
class:text-gray-600={!(currentPage == pageUrl)}
<slot />
<span class="mx-4 font-medium">{title}</span>