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Backend Server

Quickstart 🐳

Use this to run the backend with a postgresql db in docker

  1. Clone the repo or copy the docker-compose
  2. Run in toe folder that contains the docker-compose file: docker-compose up -d
  3. Visit to check if the server is running
  4. You can now use the default admin user (demo:demo)

Dev Setup 🛠

Local dev setup utilizing sqlite3 as the database.

  1. Rename the .env.example file to .env (you can adjust app port and other settings, if needed)
  2. Install Dependencies
  3. Start the server
    yarn dev

Run Tests

# Run tests once (server has to run)
yarn test

# Run test in watch mode (reruns on change)
yarn test:watch

# Run test in ci mode (automaticly starts the dev server)
yarn test:ci

Generate Docs

yarn docs

Visual Studio Code

  • will be automatically recommended via ./vscode/extensions.json


Branches & Tags

  • vX.Y.Z: Release tags created from the main branch
    • The version numbers follow the semver standard
    • A new release tag automaticly triggers the release ci pipeline
  • main: Protected "release" branch
    • The latest tag of the docker image get's build from this
    • New releases get created as tags from this
  • dev: Current dev branch for merging the different feature branches and bugfixes
    • The dev tag of the docker image get's build from this
    • Only push minor changes to this branch!
    • To merge a feature branch into this please create a pull request
  • feature/xyz: Feature branches - nameing scheme: feature/issueid-title
  • bugfix/xyz: Branches for bugfixes - nameing scheme:bugfix/issueid-title