
60 lines
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import type { CreateRunnerTeam } from '../models/CreateRunnerTeam';
import type { ResponseEmpty } from '../models/ResponseEmpty';
import type { ResponseRunner } from '../models/ResponseRunner';
import type { ResponseRunnerTeam } from '../models/ResponseRunnerTeam';
import type { UpdateRunnerTeam } from '../models/UpdateRunnerTeam';
export declare class RunnerTeamService {
* Get all
* Lists all teams. <br> This includes their parent organization and contact (if existing/associated).
* @param page
* @param pageSize
* @result ResponseRunnerTeam
* @throws ApiError
static runnerTeamControllerGetAll(page?: number, pageSize?: number): Promise<Array<ResponseRunnerTeam>>;
* Post
* Create a new organsisation. <br> Please remember to provide it's parent group's id.
* @param requestBody CreateRunnerTeam
* @result ResponseRunnerTeam
* @throws ApiError
static runnerTeamControllerPost(requestBody?: CreateRunnerTeam): Promise<ResponseRunnerTeam>;
* Get one
* Lists all information about the team whose id got provided.
* @param id
* @result ResponseRunnerTeam
* @throws ApiError
static runnerTeamControllerGetOne(id: number): Promise<ResponseRunnerTeam>;
* Put
* Update the team whose id you provided. <br> Please remember that ids can't be changed.
* @param id
* @param requestBody UpdateRunnerTeam
* @result ResponseRunnerTeam
* @throws ApiError
static runnerTeamControllerPut(id: number, requestBody?: UpdateRunnerTeam): Promise<ResponseRunnerTeam>;
* Remove
* Delete the team whose id you provided. <br> If the team still has runners associated this will fail. <br> To delete the team with all associated runners set the force QueryParam to true (cascading deletion might take a while). <br> This won't delete the associated contact.<br> If no team with this id exists it will just return 204(no content).
* @param id
* @param force
* @result ResponseRunnerTeam
* @result ResponseEmpty
* @throws ApiError
static runnerTeamControllerRemove(id: number, force?: boolean): Promise<ResponseRunnerTeam | ResponseEmpty>;
* Get runners
* Lists all runners from this team. <br> This includes the runner's group and distance ran.
* @param id
* @result ResponseRunner
* @throws ApiError
static runnerTeamControllerGetRunners(id: number): Promise<Array<ResponseRunner>>;