
144 lines
13 KiB

### Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.
#### [0.4.2](
- Changed register api route and added user deletion route [`588f3ba`](
#### [0.4.1](
> 18 August 2021
- 🚀RELEASE 0.4.1 [`d889432`](
- Fixed jwtcount not being recognized [`44830f0`](
#### [0.4.0](
> 18 August 2021
- Basic jwt implementation :party: [`75473ca`](
- Implemented jwtcount basics [`48cc380`](
- Implemented jwt count validation and update on logout [`558b69e`](
- Switched to fastify-auth to support multiple auth providers [`6420ffb`](
- 🚀RELEASE 0.4.0 [`1cd3ebf`](
- All authenticated entpoints now accept jwtauth [`2b22063`](
#### [0.3.0](
> 18 August 2021
- Added license [`5bb7212`](
- 🚀RELEASE 0.3.0 [`a62ee63`](
- Added stats api route [`c89f2a2`](
- Added author info [`2fa520f`](
- Updated readme [`2226705`](
- Added comments [`d51c588`](
#### [0.2.0](
> 14 August 2021
- 🚀RELEASE 0.2.0 [`7293295`](
- Added ebay provider recognition [`12c6d7e`](
- Ebay provider resolution [`339e2f3`](
- Now recognizing with and without protocol [`1624e66`](
#### [0.1.4](
> 14 August 2021
- Added cors [`518aa3e`](
- 🚀RELEASE 0.1.4 [`86f4cd0`](
#### [0.1.3](
> 14 August 2021
- Weired knex env fix [`fef7daa`](
- 🚀RELEASE 0.1.3 [`86985ef`](
#### [0.1.2](
> 14 August 2021
- API Endpoint to get all short urls [`fa01864`](
- 🚀RELEASE 0.1.2 [`b14fa05`](
- Changed the way that the migration get's triggered [`8fa489f`](
- Get all api endpoints [`91b25c2`](
- Added optional db volume to docker-compose [`7c71e94`](
- Prod db now resides in db folder [`512acc0`](
#### [0.1.1](
> 14 August 2021
- 🚀RELEASE 0.1.1 [`55d6b91`](
- fix: Dockerfile [`807eb9c`](
#### [0.1.0](
> 14 August 2021
- add lockfile [skip-ci] [`d97450c`](
- 🚀RELEASE 0.1.0 [`e02d91e`](
- smaller Dockerfile [skip-ci] [`86ef277`](
- Added tag commit args [`fd0a586`](
- Now signing release commits [`af6500c`](
#### 0.0.2
> 14 August 2021
- Migrated to knex [`823b211`](
- Added basics for auth [`6d417fa`](
- Initial [`ab17f91`](
- 🚀RELEASE 0.0.2 [`a4bdb4d`](
- Added image builds by drone [`1a8410c`](
- Working registration/auth [`81b314a`](
- Implemented short code generation via nanoid [`1550860`](
- New provider: yt playlists [`7344724`](
- Added leveldb [`97a86db`](
- Added api route for getting basic information about an url [`1ac700f`](
- First routes [`e5c302a`](
- Added basic readme [`1c2c1db`](
- Added process for recognizing yt urls [`8eaa52d`](
- Now validating users against the db [`cd9400f`](
- Added visits api [`fd16b39`](
- Added schma to validate [`cfc49f3`](
- Added release-it config [`ca03286`](
- Added basic migration [`0a8a5c1`](
- Added comments [`52cf92b`](
- Added tag builds [`960f979`](
- Added delete api route [`71fa977`](
- Basic Dockerfile [`2e7d924`](
- Added config object [`7cfcb54`](
- Switched to fastify [`b7354e5`](
- Added process for recognizing amazn urls [`35af600`](
- Added migration for visit counter [`3eda0b0`](
- Updated prod db config to sqlite [`8ea9478`](
- Prequesits for docker [`1a04743`](
- Now returning visit count via api get [`d8cb023`](
- Replaced nanoid with uniqid [`68b9b43`](
- Implemented a simple table for storing visits [`5e9dec6`](
- Bsic docker-compose [`f325f6c`](
- Now logging visits to shorturls [`c4c22a7`](
- Updated readme [`257272c`](
- Added db to gitignore [`c6b02b7`](
- Added db prequesites [`226477b`](
- Added release script [`0034a7b`](
- Added knex migration as package script [`174ceeb`](
- Shorcode is not the primary col [`b5482fe`](
- Deletions now cascade [`9c23404`](
- Added index to shortcode for easier queriing [`0814074`](
- Added index for url target (to improve performance later on) [`6680ce7`](
- Changed path for posting new urls [`a6397f0`](
- Added ODIT package namespace [`6273c71`](
- Added default dev env [`74cf176`](
- Added .env capeabilities [`2464573`](
- SSL Config via process env [`ae7d123`](
- Added sqlite stuff to ignore [`9f80ad2`](
- Adjusted param naming [`bb09b73`](
- Now also recognizing cursed amazon urls (that weird query shit) [`fc84dde`](
- Updated dependencies to knex [`41e1028`](